
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Birthday Giveaway Draw: The winner is...

Despite my VERY young age (ahem, what number did you think was in front of that 9?), I am an old-fashioned girl who doesn't know how to use a random-number generator, so I've printed out all your names and put them into a basket.

I'll reach in and pull one out:

Do you see that? The winner is...

Shirley! (I have no idea why this picture won't load the right way)
Congratulations! I'll send you an email, Shirley, and get your info. Thanks to everyone who visited my blog and entered the draw. I hope you keep coming back.

Now I'm off to work... yes, even on my birthday, they're making me work. Actually, I'm heading to an in-service, which is worse than work. I'm questioning why I keep signing up for these things when I have so much trouble staying awake if I'm not the one teaching, talking, and moving around. Let's just say, I really sympathize with my students who have to listen to me rabbit on for an hour and a half every class. But at least I TRY to be interesting.

On the upside, lunch is included. Hope it's diet-friendly. I could use all the help I can get.
Have a great day!


  1. Congrats to Shirley. And hey, if you must work on your birthday, don't worry about the diet. haha..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  2. Happy Birthday today...hppe the food is good at work today!

    And, Shirley - Congrats on winning the drawing.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    I wanted to stop by and thank you for commenting on my blog. I love the flannel quilt you made...great pattern.

  4. Happy Birthday and congratulations to the lucky winner!

  5. Rachel,

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! So sorry that you have to go into work.

    Thank you for picking my name out of your basket. I'm still in shock that I won your giveaway.

  6. Don't worry about hand picking....I used to teach computer applications in the classroom and I still pull names from hats!!!

  7. Congratulations to Shirley!!! AND...Happy Birthday, Rachel. As for those in-service days, I HEAR YOU. I think about 2% of the ones I attended during the teaching years were actually worthwhile...honestly. I presented at a couple and, of course, they were the exception and were VERY interesting. LOL

  8. Hope you had a great birthday .
    clares craftroom


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