
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Jane's Adventures in Blogland

I fell down the rabbit hole... and ended up in blogland. After spending far too much time on the computer reading other quilters' and crafters' blogs, I decided I should create my own (and spend yet more time on the computer?). We'll see how this adventure goes. In the lazy post-Christmas vacation days, it has been easy for me to delude myself into thinking I have tons of time. But I go back to work tomorrow. And I know it will be busy busy busy.

The first week of January is a time of reflection and planning. Like most people, I have made resolutions, even if I don't want to call them that. My resolutions this year include the usual: lose weight, exercise more, get organized. In addition, I plan to continue the Masters degree I started a few years ago and complete more quilting projects (instead of just buying the fabric and gazing longingly at the pattern). Whew. That seems like a lot of "stuff" to accomplish in the next 12 months. I'll start tomorrow... honest. Today will be spent doing laundry, preparing for classes tomorrow (I'm a high school teacher) and looking back. Yes, that's right. A bit of retrospection is an important ingredient in making goals for the future!

So... the first reflection is on past quilting projects. My love for quilting began with an advertisement for a book from Oxmoor publications called Quick and Easy Scrap Quilts. I latched onto a pattern called "Charm Stars" and vowed to make it for my daughter, who was then two or three. It took me years to collect the fabric and actually put the quilt together, but I did it. She's now 16 and that quilt is one of her prized possessions. I've made other projects since beginning that one, but it still remains my favourite, not least of all because of the excitement and optimism I felt as I was collecting fabrics and building the blocks. What was your "inspiration project"?


  1. WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!!! I'm so happy that you have started your own blog. WOOHOO and I'm also glad your joining us on the weight loss.........uh DIET!! LOL Sounds like you've already begun. Good for you.
    Keep on bloggin!!

  2. Welcome to blogland! I see you're already in good company with crazy Sharon LOL! And yes, you certainly may steal my photo label idea for next Christmas!

  3. That is one GORGEOUS quilt!! Love the colours.


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