
Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm such a loser...

...and that's a good thing to be on Loser Monday!

I'm down 1.5 lbs since last Monday, so that leaves me with 13 lbs to go. Hip hip hooray! I think I may have unravelled the secret to losing weight and I'm gonna share it with all of you. It's this crazy fad diet:

Wow - imagine that!

I have a question for you. I've read a few articles in the newspaper lately that describe online communities such as Facebook and MySpace as "narcissistic". I think blogs were lumped in there too. So, I was wondering if YOU think blogging is a narcissistic, self-absorbed activity. When we blog, we write about ourselves and share information about what we've done. I've looked back at my posts and, yes indeed, mine are very self-centred. They're all about ME (even this one). Most blogs I read are similar, except many of them also share patterns and sewing tips, which is very nice and generous. I'm not at the point yet where I feel I have anything of value to share in that realm. I'm working on it. In the meantime, I use blogging to kind of chat with people and I really enjoy it.

So, if blogging is a self-absorbed activity, are novel-writing, script-writing, painting, photography, quilting (gasp!), etc? In all of these 'arts', the artists plants a bit of him/herself. Right? Hmmm... maybe it's too early in the morning to be so thoughtful.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday, despite the fact that it is Monday. I have a busy week ahead of me (see, there I go again, talking about myself) but I'll always have time for the lovely inhabitants of blogland.


  1. Awesome Rachel! You had a great week. Congrats on the loss!

  2. First off, congratulations on the 1.5 pounds...that's great!! Keep up the good work. Secondly, although I am new to blogging, I don't think it is self absorbing. Maybe there are some out there, but not the ones I read. Blogs, especially quilting, sewing and crafting blogs are just a great way to connect with people who have the same interests. I work with 3 girls in a dental office who have no interest in sewing AT ALL!! When I come home at night and read blogs and emails, it's like talking with good friends about a common interest. We talk about our lives and where we live, so others can get a feeling for who we are when we are sharing quilting tips. I'm sure there are blogs out there that are self absorbed, but not us!!
    Thanks for the post,
    ps I noticed the little smiley face for a spacer...that's a good one too!

  3. YAY!! YOU Loser YOU!!!Eat less and move..yes a fad if you ask me...;-)
    Oh pooh...someone is always wanting to analyze what other folks do and why. Can't be just because it is fun meeting and getting to know folks you would NEVER be able to otherwise.
    So don't let that bother you...don't we have enough to worry about as it is??? Ha!!!
    Hope this is a super good week for you!!!

  4. Thanks for the inspiration.....I didn't do so well with the weight loss this week. I have thought about the "me" part of blogging too, but I think of it as more of a journal. If people WANT to read it, they are welcome. If not, they can choose to not participate. It just isn't all that different from journal I say feel good about blogging.

  5. Here's what I think....."they" (whoever THEY are)....the folks who say blogs are narcissistic....probably can't write worth a darn and are jealous of those of us who can, so they attempt to poo-poo our wonderful ability to connect with others and relate to others about our common interests. So....I say...just ignore them! AND...congrats on the nice weight loss this week! I don't know if I can stick with any fad diet, so I doubt I can do the eat-less/exercise-more plan. :(

  6. Congratulations on yet another weight loss! I wish you'd make me lose some too -- I think I've gained what you've lost LOL.

    And I've chuckled at your asking US if WE think blogging is narcissistic. We're not going to admit to that ARE we ROFLOL??? I hadn't really thought about it until someone said it was, and I guess it is, but ... I don't think I care!!!

  7. I love my blog. I talk about my projects, write my kids stories, clean up fights on other's my diary and you all have the key to it. Sorry I don't have any romance to add to it! Narcissistic? I'm with Thimbleanna, I don't think I care either!!

  8. I've only been blogging for a short time, but I'm finding it's a wonderful creative outlet and a great way to connect with people with similar interests. I am so inspired by the arts and crafts on the blogs I read! I never think of thosse blogs as self-centered, yet at times I worry that mine is.

  9. I think our blogs and the ones on Quilt with us are a wonderful way to be in touch with people who have like interests. I Love reading about all you people, see the beautiful work you do, get some ideas and most of all get inspiration. Tell me what's wrong with that? Don't you remember when we were in school we were encouraged to have a "PenPal" or even several. Schools and teachers encouraged us to do it. "They" whoever they are need to get and do their thing and not worry about us. We take care of ourselves and each other. Amen!!!!!!

  10. Yeah for you on the l.5!!!!! And who cares about what "they" say...we are all having fun sharing and supporting one another. If that's narcissistic then I'm in!!!! Great post and nice to find your blog!!

  11. Yes - I'm so happy for your loss this week!

    I don't think I or other bloggers are self-absorbed...I look at my blog like a letter that I would sit down and write to a friend. They get to see how my life is cause I can include photos, recipes, patterns, whatever and I don't have to spend money on paper, ink, photo processing or stamps.

  12. Self-absorbed?...Since I started blogging I've "met" so many wonderful people, we exchange ideas, thoughts, we love to see what other are doing and how they are doing, there are so much kindness and joy! Frankly, I don't see any narcissism!

  13. I just wanted to weigh in on this one. :) When I get together with friends, or meet new ones, I want to know about them, about their lives, about what they do. Why is reading about all of that stuff on a blog any different than listening to someone talk about it? Are we being narcissistic when we talk to someone else about ourselves? What about when they share with us? Because we're doing the same thing, but on a blog, we're narcissistic? It seems like a crazy statement to me. I agree with Sew Many, I blog so that I connect with other crafters because I don't know any quilters in real life. I think it's a great way to stay plugged into the crafting community.


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