
Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday is for losers... me, I'm going back to bed!

Good morning, friends. Here we are again, on another Loser Monday morning and heading into another week. I sure hope you have some good things planned for the days between now and the weekend, and that those plans include sewing! I do my fair share of exercise every week. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week - cardio for 40 minutes and weights for about 30 minutes. I also take a belly dance class every Thursday night for an hour and a half. One would think that the pounds would be melting off me, but no. No. Nope. I used to be a WW leader so I know how the game is played, but somehow I can't seem to wrap my head around eating well. I have cookbooks. I have half a dozen "points finders". I have a food journal. I have no willpower. Every day I wake up with fresh new resolve. This will be the day, I tell myself. No more fooling around, I say. No more chocolate, I admonish my psyche. You saw my post last week. Did you believe me? I did - I really believed I was going to turn over a new leaf. It lasted... until about Tuesday. During the day I do well. I eat a decent breakfast, pack a healthy lunch, and try to drink water at work. But when I get home in the evening... well, let's just say that my will is weak and good sense is thrown out the window. It's not like I'm lacking a reason to lose weight. I have a lovely red dress that I wore to a wedding just over a year ago and I plan to wear it again to an event in May. At this rate, though, I won't fit into it. My goal is to lose 15 lbs. That's it - 15! I'm not horribly overweight, just a little spongy around the middle. Sigh. Maybe hypnosis will work on me...?

That said, I did just step on the scale and find that, despite my awful food week, I'm down 0.5 lbs. So, now I have 14.5 lbs to lose. For some reason, I am really happy about that.

Anyhooo... I did a little sewing this weekend. I'm supposed to be making costumes for the school's Open House on March 2, but nobody else has got their job done and I have to wait to find out the cast of characters and meet with the drama teacher before I can proceed. At the rate they're going, I'll be sewing from Friday night to Monday morning the weekend before the event. I hate doing things at the last minute (when it's not my choice to do so). This is what spent my time on the last couple of days:

Block 2 of the Bunny Hill Designs BOM. I was planning to make the top bird yellow and now I wish I had. Oh well, it's still a pretty block. I can't wait to see what Anne has planned for March!

Plus, I made both the January and February blocks from Sandi Anderson's Seasons of the Heart BOM. Usually I pick reds to go in my quilts (lots of red in the Bunny Hill blocks I made) but this one begged for pink, just to be different.
I've never done a block of the month before and I am really enjoying it. It's not so overwhelming to have just one block to do each month. And by the end of the year, I'll have a whole quilt done and ready to put together (or, in this case, I'll have 2 done).

I'm still working on the Let it Snow quilt. Thanks to some nice comments in response to my questions about the applique, I have a good idea of how to deal with all those picky little pieces. I'm making that quilt as a Christmas present for my friend Cheryl (don't worry - she doesn't read my blog), so I don't have to rush to finish it... yet.

Today is Family Day in Alberta. For me, it's a day to catch up on marking that I didn't do on the weekend. Lots of that piling up. I'd rather be sewing, but as I keep reminding myself, the job pays me a salary that helps me buy fabric. It's all about balance.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Your February block for Bunny Hill is soooo cute! I'm just getting JANUARY'S done! I have to applique the leaves for Jan's block and it will be done but I haven't had time to stick down and just do it. Maybe tonight. I LOVE the basket fabric for your Feb block. Very romantic.

    Yup. I better get cracking or I'll be up to my eyeballs in unfinished projects. At least I picked out all my fabrics for the Feb block. Just have to get them cut.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Love all the blocks you showed us. I have the patterns I just have to set aside time to do the blocks. Somehow, I am busier in retirement than I was when I was working fulltime. LOL

  3. Very pretty! I do know what you mean about good eating intentions...

    The leg is much better, thank you.

  4. Oh but I love that blue bird! It goes great with the red. And I love you new blog header too!

  5. Keep going you can do it!!! We're all going to do it. One week at a time.
    Love your blocks your making too.

  6. I do understand the food thing.. good intentions..yeah me too.
    Oh what a sweet block!! All your blocks are wonderful.
    I have to get mine finished! I may just take one day away from other things and do them!
    Love the new look to blog!

  7. great blocks, and i hate it when i'm stuck b/c of other people's procrastination. keep working on the food thing, you'll get it done. you know what you need to know, you know what you need to do. just figure out what your motivator is - get some friendly (or maybe not so friendly if you need) competition going - that annoying skinny neighbor/co-worker. you don't have to tell them about the competition :)


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