
Monday, March 16, 2009

Loser Monday makes me feel like a yo-yo

Up and down, up and down... Today down, but just by 0.5 lbs. So, I'm back to having 13.5 lbs to lose. I took a trip over to the Happy Weight Calculator and was not so happy when I left. It says I have 22.5 lbs to lose. I think I'll stick to the WW number, even if it is the top of my healthy weight range. I can reassess when (if) I ever reach that goal.

Here's an interesting article you might like to read. Don't be put off by the first two pages of talk about cluttered houses. He does eventually get to the point and it's quite enlightening.

I'm off to see if I can do a loop-the-loop or walk the dog. Oh, hey, maybe I should walk the real dogs and burn off some calories.


  1. Well, at least it's down and not up by .5. I need to lose so much more than 13.5 that I just can't feel too bad for you :-)

    I didn't read the whole article yet, but cleaning my apartment usually does lift my spirits, especially vacuuming up the cat hair off the carpet ... and the couch ... and the kitchen floor ...

    Just cleaning one closet shelf seems to make a difference in my mood.

  2. LOLOL!!! You yo yo you!! I think alot of us feel like that lately. But we cant give up right?? Stay with me, dont be leaving me hanging here like that yo yo.

  3. 1/2lb is gooooood! funny that he mentions clutter, the older i get, the less clutter i want around me, doesnt that mean i should be skinny? lololol

  4. That article is interesting, but I'm not sure I'm buying it and here is why. A little over 5 years ago...when preparing to move from our home of over 30 years to another state (where we are today), we totally decluttered the things that had accumulated over those 30+ years. AND....I have actually gained a substantial amount of decluttering did just the OPPOSITE for me than what this article suggests. *sigh*

  5. I dunno about that Happy Weight calculator...I experimented by entering my current weight and height but changing whether I am big boned, small boned or in between and the desired weight for me varied by almost 13 pounds!

    Still, I'd accept a 0.5 lb loss no matter what. I know it's frustrating that it's not coming off faster. Hang in there and keep up the good work!

  6. A loss is a loss. If you don't want it, I'll take it! What a struggle it is to loss the weight but oh so easy to put it on! WHY! Scientists need to answer that question!


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