
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Portrait of an OnlyChild

We have a special guest in the studio this afternoon who has agreed to an exclusive interview for the Not-So-Plain Jane readership. Please say hello to the daughter known as the OnlyChild.

NSPJ: Hello! Welcome to Not-So-Plain Jane and thank you for agreeing to be interviewed.
OC: Grunt.
NSPJ: I know our readers are curious - where did you get your name?
OC: I'm the only child. No, seriously, Mum read some cheap, cheesy novel when she was in high school... well, a long time ago... and one of the main characters was named Theodora. It's not a good book, but I like my name.
NSPJ: What "arts" do you pursue?
OC: I am a painter. Painting is my favourite thing to do. I'm also interested in mixed media - combining painting with other techniques. I love writing, but don't do it as often as I used to. I also used to be into photography, but haven't pursued that for a while. I like lots of stuff.
NSPJ: What are your inspirations?
OC: The eras of the 1920s to the 1950s, Audrey Hepburn, Blair Waldorf (from Gossip Girl).
NSPJ: What are you reading right now?
OC: I am reading The Reader by Bernhard Schlink, I just started The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, and I am re-reading Twilight.
NSPJ: What is the best thing about being you?
OC: Nothing. Haha. Well, I have the most wonderful pets, especially my sweet Abby. I get to see her every day.
NSPJ: How would you describe your decorating/design style?
OC: Eclectic. A combination of everything I like is on my walls. My floor is not so much the result of a "style" but of laziness. I keep the other end of the room clear for painting.
(Interviewer's note: I am somewhat - make that very! - embarrassed to post this picture. Please don't call the Health Department. She lives like this purely of her own volition and no matter how many times her father and I help her clean, it disintegrates into this awful state in less than 24 hours. We figure we'll just wait until she moves out then have it fumigated.)
NSPJ: What accomplishments are you the most proud of so far?
OC: My paintings. I love the way they've turned out. I currently have a painting on display at the University Extension Art Gallery. We went to a reception there this afternoon.

(Interviewer's note: This is the painting that is on display at the Art Gallery. It is called "Do not go gently" and is a mixed media piece. In this photo, the painting is displayed in the main office at school.)

NSPJ: Will you share with us your future plans?

OC: I plan to move to Victoria, BC and get a degree in Fine Arts with a major in Writing (perhaps screen writing) and minors in Painting and Women's Studies.

NSPJ: Are you excited to be featured on my blog today?

OC: Oh yes! It's the thrill of my life!

(Okay, she did say that sarcastically... but still...)

So there you have it folks, my offspring, my daughter, my pride and joy. And she was sooo proud to be featured as my special guest. Thanks for joining us for this Sunday edition of Not-So-Plain Jane. 'Night.


  1. LOLOL!!! What a great guest you had there. The painting is awesome. Your very talented, but I must talk to you about that room. OMG!!! lololol
    Very nice to meet you.

  2. I died laughing about the room....I have had some of those on more than one occasion and one child.

    by the way, in them morning, hop on over to my blog, I have something there for you.

  3. She is a very pretty and talented girl, Rachel. AND....we went through that with rooms that looked EXACTLY the same.....and with TWO girls (not one). Same thing...we'd help would look wonderful and then...within a day, back to THAT "look". UGH!!! So...don't feel embarrassed. I'm sure that 95% (or better) of the moms who read this and have had teens will relate to it! Wish the picture of her painting was able to be clicked and viewed looks WONDERFUL and congrats to her for having it on exhibit.

  4. Never fear, Rachel. My room was pretty much the same way as a teenager. You out grow it. As soon as I was on my own, I took pride in how I kept house. Now an unkept room in my house drives me crazy!

    Loved the interview. It was nice to "meet" the OnlyChild.

  5. That was a great interview! Very funny and entertaining. The OnlyChild is so creative (and what a cutie). Congratulations to her on having her painting displayed in the art gallery. I love the colors and the title.

    I had to laugh at that photo of her room because mine used to look like that when I was young.

  6. How cool! I really enjoyed that. My son's looks the same, just with cars and trucks and such.


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