
Friday, March 06, 2009

Sick of Winter and Dreaming of Spring

This picture from very accurately illustrates my present feelings about the lingering winter weather. The ground is white, the sky is white, and we're expecting yet more of the cold, white stuff tomorrow. Bah! I keep reading on other people's blogs about the flowers blooming and the temperatures reaching 90 degrees fahrenheit (which is 32 celsius - hot!). I really need a dose of that Spring weather right now!

I had some paper snowflakes adorning the window of my office at school. I took them down this afternoon because it suddenly occurred to me that I might be sending out the wrong message to Mother Nature. What if she takes my decorations as an invitation to keep winter around longer? Noooooooo. By Monday I should have some flowers and butterflies up. Do you think that would work?

If not, maybe this will:

It's the March block from Bunny Hill's BOM. Don't you just love that little bunny? I am scheming ways to use him on other items - maybe an Easter bag for the OnlyChild? This was my project tonight while Mr. P and the OnlyChild went to a hockey game. It was so nice to have the house to myself. I dusted, vacuumed and mopped when I got home from work this afternoon so I was FREEEEEEE, and able to pursue my own interests for a couple of hours.

Tomorrow I will be attending a wedding shower. It's a pajama party and we all have to wear our best pjs. We will be going bowling in our pjs, out to supper in our pjs, then watching movies in our pjs. They're having a chocolate fondue - but you all know I cannot partake of that evil C-word, so I will have to happily munch on something else. Carrots, perhaps? Cauliflower? It should be fun, even if we do look like idiots running about the city in our pajamas. We'll all look silly together at least (and my pajamas are quite stunning).
While you're cruising around blogland today, go and visit Jen at Miss Punkie Pie. She is having a giveaway for her 100th post! She'd love for you to pop by and leave a comment (and admire the cute little face of her daughter).
Have a great weekend.


  1. How nice that you got an evening to yourself. The bunny is adorable. I like the fabric you used for the basket.

    The wedding shower sounds fun. I'm planning one for my little sister in late spring, and was considering doing a kitchen theme where everyone brings their favorite recipe, but that sounds so boring now compared to your pj party.

    Sending you warmth and sunshine and hummingbirds from California ...

  2. Sorry about all the winter for you, but your bunny block is so cute!!! The bridal shower sounds like so much fun and so comfy. Love your blog!

  3. I'm with you on winter. The 12" of snow that fell on us last Sunday is still around, but it is a little warmer...40* F during the day, but still freezing at night. I want spring too! Your Bunny Hill is just great, love your fabric. Have fun at your pj shower. Yikes, you are all going to freeze out there going from place to place...better wear feet pajamas!

  4. Love that block!! Your fab choices are lovely. I want to work on mine. Maybe this evening.We are having folks in tomorrow so on CLEAN MODE today. I wish I could share this warmth and sun with you it feels so good. Picking jonquils today for the table.
    That shower sounds like such fun!! I am betting your PJ's are right smashing for sure!!!
    Maybe you better wear your Wellies too...;-)

  5. I certainly hope you are going to take pictures of you and your buddies today in your pajamas at all these various places! It sounds like a real hoot and I'm sure the other folks who SEE you in the pajamas will get smiles on their faces from seeing this. What FUN!

  6. Love what you've done with Bunny Hill block!! Fantastic and eye catching for sure. I also got a great chuckle to see the snowman's noose. Don't we all get feeling that way!

  7. LOVE the block! I haven't even worked on February's block yet but I did pick out my fabrics for March! I need a quiet weekend and I will get it done. So cute!


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