
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Saturday

I'm in an unusually good mood today. I say unusually because it's been a very long winter and I've at times been a bit foul and morose. But it's finally SPRING! The snow has melted (we had a heck of a thunder, lightening and rain storm last night), the sun is shining, temperatures are way above zero and there are signs of life all over the city ~ by that, I mean people out walking their dogs. Hello Spring! It's about time you showed up!

Plus, today is the Saturday of an extra-long weekend. When today is over I still have two days ~ or a whole weekend's worth ~ to hang around the house, do some sewing, clean, read, or whatever I want. Since the OnlyChild is a teenager, she's mostly not too demanding, Mr. P is engrossed in hockey (the Flyers made the playoffs woohoo), so the days are mine. Are you jealous, all you mothers of youngers? Don't worry; your time is coming soon!

So... today I got up at a fairly decent time (for a Saturday), did some laundry, went to my hair appointment (no more grey hairs! yay!), sewed for a while, went to the gym and now we're all getting ready to go to a friend's house for the evening. Not a bad day at all.

This is what I'm sewing right now (well, not right at this minute because I'm on the computer while I wait for the OnlyChild to get out of the bathroom so I can dry my hair):

I'm making the jumper (dress) for the OnlyChild. We started this project quite some time ago and it was originally supposed to be her sewing project. But, as usual, she stalled and procrastinated so Mum has to finish it. It's a bit winter-y so it's doubtful she'll get much wear out of it this year, but as we all know, Fall is just around the corner (did I really just say that? ouch).
Anyhooooo... no Europe pictures today (collective sigh of relief ~ hey, I heard that). Just a wish for a Happy Easter to you all. We have no big plans ~ we have no other family in the city so it's just the three of us. We'll probably have a roast and I've got some parsnips to cook. Yum.

Take care.


  1. Happy Easter to you and your family, too...and I'm glad spring is finally showing up there for you!

  2. Good pattern, should be easy to put together. Have fun and enjoy the weekend !

  3. Oh, and you forgot the best reason you're in an unusually good mood -- you just got back from a fab trip!!! Hope you're having a wonderful Easter!


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