
Thursday, April 09, 2009

I'm back...

Hello all. I made it back in one piece from my European Tour 2009. It was a fantastic trip and now I am trying to recover from the 8-hour time change and jet lag. We arrived back in Canada at about 10:30 pm on Tuesday, after travelling for almost 24 hours, then I had to go back to work yesterday. My head was in a complete fog all day. Last night I went to bed at 8:00 pm and I'm still tired! Thank goodness for the long Easter weekend - I'll need it to catch up on sleep and re-introduce my body to MST.

I hope you enjoyed the little posts that magically appeared while I was away. I set them up in advance to be published on the specific days just so you would know where I was. So, the pictures that were included were not actually from my trip, but rather shamelessly stolen from the internet. I did, however, take a ton of pictures and have also got a disk of pictures taken by one of the students and a colleague. So, in all, about 4500 photos! As soon as I have a bit more time, I will share some of them with you. (Not all, as I had threatened to do; I think you'd disown me if I made you wade through that many!)

I'll leave you with a sneak peek and promise to tell you more later.

(That's me in the black and white jacket on the right.)


  1. Welcome Back!!! I hope you had a fantastic time!!!

  2. Woo...HOOOOOO...glad you are back. We really missed you. I can't wait for details and more photos. (Hoping some of them will enlarge when clicked...this one didn't...not sure why that happens sometimes.) Did Only Child and DH miss you LOAD while you were gone??? :)

  3. OOPS...meant did they miss you LOADS.......duh......typing faster than my brain is registering, I guess.


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