
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Make some time for fun!

There was a little time for fun today. It wasn't all work work work. After I picked up my books from the courier this morning (all the way on the other side of town), I stopped in to visit my friend, Sandi, since I was in her neighbourhood. We had a nice chat over coffee, made some plans to spend a month in Paris next summer after we come back from our trip to Italy (I'm not kidding) and then I headed out to do a little shopping. I'm not really much of a shopper; I certainly don't go out every Saturday to browse at the mall, because I despise crowds and traffic. I went to one shop ~ and found two great spring shirts and a sweet little white jacket ~ and then I went home.

I think the three cups of coffee I drank must have given me an extra boost because I sure had a lot of energy. I vacuumed, cleaned out the front hall closet (a job I had been putting off for two months) and then took Derby Dog for a walk. He was very grateful for that, but the poor little guy was all tuckered out when we got home. He's become a bit plump over the winter (like someone else I know...?). Time to shed the chub, Fella!

Then...then... I did some sewing. I finished the OnlyChild's dress (the one she was supposed to make for herself) except for the hem. And I finished my Bunny Hill Tisket a Tasket April block. I had all the appliqué done last weekend so there was just the hand stitching to complete, which I did while watching a movie with Mr. P tonight. I'm quite happy with it!

Last weekend, I also finished my Seasons of the Heart April block, but I wanted to wait until both were done to post pictures. The pattern for this block had one tulip; but, following Sandi's suggestion, I added a second. I think this is a really pretty block too!

I think I might make the Bunny Hill blocks into a quilt and the Seasons of the Heart blocks into separate wall-hangings. We'll see... I've got lots of time to make up my mind.

So I did finally get some sewing done! I thought I had lost my sewing mojo. Poor Bernice was crying out for attention while I was tapping away at the computer last night, writing that @#%! learning guide. She's happy now, but I'm just getting started. Tomorrow, between laundry, the gym, more school work, and cracking the covers of those new (and expensive) textbooks, I hope to get the chance to start this:

To be made out of this:

(It will look nice with my new white jacket).

It's getting late, so I'm taking my book (no, not a textbook) and heading off to bed. Ciao.


  1. That will make a WONDERFUL skirt and with a white jacket....WOW...what a crisp look! I'm glad you had a nice day. Now...tell us more about your Italy and Paris plans for next summer!!!

  2. That skirt will look great with the white jacket. Have fun. I love how you did the BOM's. Its so interesting to see how different and lovely they all are. Italy and then Paris for a month WOW, are you lucky or what?

  3. Yay, you found some sewing time. Your blocks look great. And how cool that you have a great trip to look forward to next year!

  4. Well, haven't you been busy! Well done. I love those tulips especially.

  5. Glad you're caught up with those 2 BOMs, they're both so wonderful :^)

    Paris next summer? Details please!

    Please post a pic of your pretty skirt once it's done, okay? The red fabric is very pretty!

  6. You did get alot done. You and I should go shopping together because that is how I shop. I hate to be gone all day just wondering the malls.

    I enjoyed your trip photos...the food etc...and will definitely look forward to next years.

  7. I like your BOM's. The tulips fit right into spring. And the skirt project looks like it will be a favorit.
    Hope you have a great day.

  8. Glad to read you had some fun this weekend. I really like the tulip block. Curious to see the wall hangings when you're done.

    I'm like you when it comes to shopping-- can't stand the traffic or the crowds. Sounds like you found some cute things. I need to do that, too, to update my wardrobe for spring, but I dread looking at myself in the dressing room mirror under those flourescent lights :-)

    The skirt pattern looks cute. I agree with Pat, let's hear more about your month in Paris!


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