
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inspire me

It has been a very uninspiring week so far, and I'm glad it's almost over. Between the snow, cold weather and just a general lack of enthusiasm on my part, I've found myself unmotivated to do anything work- or quilting-related. I think my moods must definitely change with the weather, so I can't wait until I see some sunshine and can feel warmth on my face. Maybe then I'll get something accomplished!

But not all is gloomy. I did some exploring in Blogland. One link led to another and another and eventually to Floss's blog Troc, Broc and Recup'. Floss, who is originally from Scotland, now resides in France where she teaches English. I think she's living the life I was meant to have! I am going to enjoy getting to know Floss and reading her adventures.

Floss is also having a giveaway! Included in her prize pack are some unique Scottish, French and vintage items.

You should go and visit Floss. You can also enter her giveaway!

Chin up, my friends, tomorrow is Friday. And here in Canada it's a long weekend. Thank goodness for that!

À bientôt!


  1. Oh....don't count on me for inspiration. Between my rib injury that has kept me pretty well down since Sunday and the weather here not being very good, I'm in a funky mood, too. *sigh* I need to perk up, though, as I'll get little Jessi here on Saturday for 5 days. She is 4 (nearly 5) and is a bundle of energy and gets very excited about the couple of times a year she gets to I need to put on my cheerful face and get on with things. I hope you can get moving, too. :)

  2. Hi, Rachel, thanks so much for the link, and for entering my giveaway! We are indeed enjoying our life here in France (in fact we are basically English, as my parents' move to Scotland occurred after I left home). At the moment we all have miserable colds but otherwise the life here in the South of France is delightful! I'm going to have a good look at your blog now...

  3. Thanks for the info about Floss's giveaway. Hope you get some sunshine this weekend and begin to feel inspired again.

  4. I hope you enjoyed your long weekend!


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