
Monday, May 18, 2009

Loser Monday

Status: did not weigh (Still too scared, unmotivated, apathetic... you pick a word...)

Weather: Snowing when I woke up this morning
Temperature: 0 ºC = 32 ºF

To-do list: 2 chapters of textbook to read, assignments to mark, paper to begin, seminar to prep, date with Mr. P at the gym, laundry to wash

Response: sigh

Bright side: I have a pot of stew bubbling in the slow cooker for supper tonight. Yum. Always gotta have something to look forward to, right?
Tomorrow: back to work; hope to finally get Spring Spell quilt pinned after school


  1. Geez! My whole comment went away! WAH!

    As I said... I'm sorry to hear that it's snowing again for you. And I hope you get Spring Spell pinned. I had planned on doing that this weekend for the wallhanging I'm doing but I didn't get that far.

    I'm just going to avoid your status update all together. I think most of us are feeling the same way and for those still going strong... WAY TO GO!

  2. Oh, sorry for the snow! It was 88 here yesterday (finally) We may have thunder storms here later today and tomorrow. When it warms up and you can get out and be active outside, you will feel MUCH better about your diet. It is hard to think about it when you are still hybernating!!

  3. I'm diggin' that snow. Wished it was here. Maybe we could switch houses for the summer. I'm in North Carolina. Temp now is 61 degrees.

  4. I'm feeling for you on the temperature's going to be in the 30's tonight here in Rhode Island. We've had rain and gray skies forever. I need spring!!! you need it more, so you can have it first.

  5. Hey Rachel!!!

    I never weigh! Just go by clothes fitting....and the stew sounds "soul warming." Sometimes we need to just be imperfect and.....find that is our perfection....and life is good despite the abscence of checks on the list.. thats my rationale....and solace.....may be all wrong.....or partially right....

    love, kelee

  6. Freakin' weather up and down like a yo yo. Sunday it was 19 C and yesterday it was 7C and cold rain. Yuck!

    Maybe the diet challenge will go better once the weather improves...

  7. Yum, stew sounds delicous. I can't believe it is STILL snowing. Well, you probably don't want to hear it, but snow sounds good to me after 100 degree temps this weekend. I can't handle heat, especially driving in it. Maybe if you finished the quilt things would warm up.

    (How is that for motivation???)

  8. Love your header and your blog design!
    Thanks so much for your comment to me over at the Katillac Shack!

  9. THAT is a good cartoon...everyone should print that one out for motivation.

  10. Hi again Rachel. I gave you an award today on my blog. -Stacy


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