
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Do you ♥ Moda?

I thought you'd say that. So head over to visit Vickie at Mid-Ohio Knitter and enter her giveaway. FOUR prizes, including Moda fabric and the cutest little pincushion! Thanks to Jen for telling me about this one.

I wish I had more to talk about lately than other people's giveaways... but I'm just so busy, busy, busy. A couple more weeks, I keep telling myself, and I'll have a bit of time to do what I want to do ~ sewing (a dress for the OnlyChild and a dress and skirt for me), BOM blocks from Bunny Hill and A Legacy of Stitches (I haven't even made May's blocks and it's June already), the started-but-not-finished quilt, the started-but-barely quilt, and playing with the two jelly rolls and the honey bun I (naughty girl) ordered from ebay.

Oh, I have such grand plans... come on Summer Vacation... hurry up! (And all you mothers of young children are rolling your eyes... summer doesn't have the same flavour of freedom for you, does it?)

I guess I do have some exciting news to share ~ well, exciting for me... When I went to water the garden last night, guess what I discovered? That's right... there are some little green shoots sticking out of the ground. And I'm pretty sure they're not weeds. They're lettuce! Plus, there's a nice, fat green shoot poking out of the dirt in my zucchini pot in the back yard. Maybe I can be a gardener after all!


  1. Gardening is so exciting when the shoots peep through the soil ans soooo satisfying when the actual fruit appear. Love all those Moda jelly rolls, so much can be done with them

  2. YAY for Rachel's green thumb and YAY for summer (from someone who no longer has young children underfoot for those summer months)!!!

  3. we started planting inside, the other day when i was weeding, eddie decided to help me - pulled up some lettuce before i could stop him, blah!

  4. Congrats on the lettuce shoots! Walk away from that pincushion. It is MINE! LOL. And I want to know... how did you put that heart in your title?? I am such a loser that I cant even figure that out. LOL.

  5. Congrats on the little green not-weeds shoots! Looking forward to pics of the garden.

    Will you be working on your Master's over the summer? Or will you be completely free?

    I'd like to know how you make the hearts and the smiley faces, too.

  6. Yay for your garden! Hang in there -- summer is almost here. I feel your pain -- I'm so glad busy May is over, I could burst!

  7. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, a zuchini will be the size of your pot but the plant will wrap around your pot probably about 10 times! The plants are big.Squash and zuchini plants cover about half of our garden.


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