
Friday, June 19, 2009

Mail Call!

Some interesting items came to me through the mail this week. First, I got a scarf from Kelee at The Katillac Shack. Will I wear this scarf? No... it's actually a doggie scarf and my job is to decorate it and send a photo of my (or someone else's) dog wearing my creation. You see, a sponsor has agreed to make a $2000 donation to Design Gives Back to help take care of dogs and cats that have been abandoned if we decorate 150 scarves. It seems that this problem is becoming even worse with the economic recession.

You can help, too. Kelee says that they still need about 50 people to decorate scarves. All you have to do is visit her blog post here for details. It's easy, it's fun... and it's a very good cause.

Also in the mail, beautiful fabric from The Fat Quarter Shop. Yes, I was online shopping again ~ naughty, naughty. But honestly, there is NO good fabric here. I don't know if it's all of Canada or just my little part of the country, but I looked all over and didn't see anything I wanted. I plan to make a skirt with the 'Deer Valley Celadon Antler Damask' fabric and a dress with the 'Flights of Fancy Summer Geo Mirror' fabric.

Here's the dress pattern. I'm making 'B' right now in plain black (you can never have too many little black dresses) and will make 'A' using my new fabric and black for the bodice and band at the bottom. Notice the pattern is Fast & Easy. Just like me. haha.
And my last package this week contained these books for my next course. Yes I DID finish that @#!$! project. I emailed it off to my professor, who kindly offered to look it over for me, and he made one tiny recommendation to improve it. I will incorporate his suggestion and by Sunday afternoon, it will be gone, gone, gone into cyberspace and that, my friends, will be the end of that course! I start the new one on July 2.

These books actually didn't come in the mail. Purolator brought them... sort of. They came by during the day when I was at work (duh) and left me a tag. That meant I had to drive to the other side of the city (30-40 minutes one way) to pick them up. When I pay over $10.00 for shipping, I expect better service. They could at least phone and see when would be a convenient time to deliver. Don't you think?
I have a full weekend ahead with some good social activities. Tonight Mr. P and I are going to see a group called (ready for this?) Apocalypse Kow. You can hear some of their music here. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my friend Sandi before she heads to Africa. Yep, that's right, she's going to Africa, Rwanda to be precise, with the General Romeo Dallaire Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Wow! Later tomorrow I'm meeting the girls from my dance class for dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. Belly dancing to follow! Since our spring session was cancelled, I've really missed belly dancing so I'll be taking my hip scarf and giving it a little shimmy.
Sunday... well, that's my day to finish that project once and for all and then SEW!
Don't forget my li'l giveaway. You have until June 30 (my last day of school) to enter. I'd love to hear what your summer plans are.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Oooh, that Geo Mirror fabric is perfect for the dress pattern. I can't wait to see it finished.

    Oh, and I forgot to tell you my summer plans when I entered your contest -- hopefully lots of sewing. Starting tomorrow with a few shirts and then I'd like to finally get the kids' wedding quilt top done. I'm waiting on some decision making by the bride. It will happily all be interrupted by a 2 week vacay out west -- yipee!

  2. You did have a good mail the fabric...just love it...

  3. Oh-Oh-OO Get some pictures of the belly dancing event!! Holly had her jingle skirt out this week. Have tons of fun!

  4. Congrats on finishing your class tomorrow. Love both of those fabrics, especially the Deer Valley. I hope you post pictures of the finished dresses, the pattern looks really cute.

    It's heartwarming to read about the dog scarf project and know that abandoned pets will be getting some help.

  5. PS. I saw this necklace and thought of you ...

  6. LOVING that dress pattern. Very sassy! Can't wait to see them both finished.


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