
Monday, July 13, 2009

Catching up

This is what I thought my summer would be like ~ lounging in the porch with a good book and a good dog.
Not so much...
This course I'm taking is keeping me very busy. I worked and worked and worked all weekend, writing, reading, reading, and writing. I did take a little break Saturday afternoon to take Derby for a long walk in the river valley (just blocks from our house). Then we stopped to read for an hour (course work) on a bench with a wonderful view. And wouldn't you know it, I forgot to take the camera.
More reading and writing on Sunday, but I also spent a bit of time in the back yard with a glass of wine. I figured I deserved it.
Today, I'm catching up. I read an article and have a response to write. Then I have another paper to do ~ this one is due next Tuesday but I'd like to have it finished by the weekend. And, in case you were wondering, I got an A+ on my last paper. I guess all those Nibs I ate fueled my brain. You can just call me Miss Smarty Pants. hehe.
I haven't done any sewing at all in the past few days and I'm missing Bernice fiercely. She sits on the table next to where my laptop is set up and silently pleads with me to come and create. Soon, Bernice, soon.
I have been going to the gym regularly ~ Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings ~ and I have been cooking... a little. Tonight I made tilapia in a citrus marinade with fettuccine and zucchini and carrot ribbons, plus a spinach salad. Yum. We had some friends drop in; luckily there was plenty of fish and all it took was an extra handful of pasta in the pot.
So... what have you been doing?


  1. Picked up the 5-year-old granddaughter today for her 6-day visit with us. No sewing and very little computer time while she is here, but it's worth it to build memories with her! GREAT news about your A+ paper.....keep eating those Nibs!!!

  2. recovering from 2 back to back vacations. I'm beat....literally, me and E were playing yesterday and I hit my head pretty hard, i seriously think I have a small concussion. the swelling wants to stay......ahh well, it will be fine. congrats on the a+ smarty

  3. WOW...A+ you're good!!!
    Have you tired chocolate Twizzlers?? Yummy!!and it's Hershey's chocolate...I eat the whole's fat free...just not sugar free!!
    I'll be mailing the ATC card this week...
    Good for you to exercise 3 days a week...that's what I'm trying to do also...ends up 2 days for sure..just can't get the 3rd day in...
    LOVE the photo :) of your dog.
    Deb :)

  4. Is Derby helping you with your work? He looks so intent on your book. Congratulations on the A+ - knew you were a smarty pants, haha. Love you.

  5. Your dog is adorable! As for me, been running the roads like a wild woman. Vacation is starting soon and I'm really looking forward to it. For one of the weeks we will be gone to a cottage where hopefully no one will come find us. :) I hope to get some reading done too!

  6. That is awesome that you are going to the gym, keep it up!!

  7. Your dinner sounds wonderful...I ate nothing but fast food today... (Chipolte and Cold Stone Ice Cream)and something so healthy sounds wonderful!

  8. Hey, Ms. SmartyPants! Congrats on the A+ Sounds like a lot of work for a summer vacation! Spend some time with Bernice! Life is about balance, don't ya know? Since I spent the whole weekend quilting (cramming to finish before the quilt show), I spent last night cleaning my house, and how nice to wake to a clean house this morning. I walked barefoot to the kitchen and my feet didn't even get dirty (yes, my house was that dirty - dog + 2 kids + construction in the basement = FILTHY house!). After work today, I get to be a hostess at the quilt show for two hours - fun, fun, fun! I can't wait to see all the quilts.

  9. Cute picture of your dog! Congrats on the A+. I have been trying to design a knitting pattern for booties to donate to charity. The first one came out too big. The second one too small. The third was just plain wrong. I'm thinking tonight's the night and I'll get it right.

  10. Love the pic of your dog-he looks like he has a lot of spunk! As for me I have been painting my bedroom! Got the ceiling done -Finally! Wish I had hired the job out-I have paint ALL over me!

  11. WayTaGo Smarty Pants!!!High Fives!!!
    Yes keep at the Nibs and the Gym!! Ha!
    Cute little fur ball there for sure!
    I am just work'in'in'in here with fresh produce...putt'in my winter goods away...;-)

  12. Yea! Great going to the gym - you have been busy.

    My machine is looking at me like I have totally neglected her ... and I have...

    Derby looks like he enjoys sitting with you...

    Me - not doing too much...


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