
Thursday, July 02, 2009

On the first day of summer vacation, my true love gave to me...

...time to sew!

The weather was kind of miserable on and off yesterday. Not much fun to be Canada Day-ing under the threat of rain. So instead, I stayed home and checked a few things off my to-do list. Yes, I have a to-do list for the summer. That's a bit depressing, isn't it? I tidied up the sewing room. What a mess it was ~ I have far too many things on the go in that little space. Now it's liveable... for a while. I also got some things organized for my new course, which starts today.

And I decorated my scarf for Kelee's Design Gives Back project and emailed the photo to her to be added to her gallery. I picked a daisy theme for a couple of reasons. First, because it's summery and I need it to be summer. Second, because Kim and Maggie of Daisy Cottage have been helping in this endeavour.

Abby Dog modelled the scarf for me. It's a bit big for a little Jack Russell Terrier ~ more of a shawl than a scarf.
Derby tried it on, too. He wasn't very impressed. I think it threatened his masculinity to be wearing flowers.
I finally used the ruffler foot that I got for Christmas. I don't know why I didn't take this attachment out of the box sooner. It is so much fun! Now I want to ruffle everything. I'll have to look for a little project so I can use it again soon.
Did you notice that yesterday's post was my 100th?
I think that's worth celebrating. So, I'll have a little draw for everyone who commented yesterday and who leaves a comment today. If you comment both days, you get two entries. I don't know what the prize will be, but I promise it will be something good. Maybe I'll choose the prize based on who wins... then if you're the winner, you can tell me what you'd like!
My friend, Cheryl, who is my 'bestest friend' in the whole wide world and has been for over 25 years, started a blog recently. Cheryl is quite sick. She was hospitalized for 50+ days in November/December and still doesn't have a diagnosis. I worry about her all the time! She was on sick leave from her job and a couple of weeks ago they informed her that she was now laid off. I don't know if that's even legal, but the company says they've 'restructured' and her position no longer exists. In order to make a little extra money to help out her family, she has registered with an online business.
If you shop online using ebay or Amazon, consider going through Cheryl's website. It's only one extra step before you get to ebay or Amazon, and you would be helping her out a lot!
I'm off to take the OnlyChild to summer school. She didn't finish her English course this year so this is the price to pay (plus it will keep her busy for a few weeks). Gosh, what a mean mum I am. Then I have a hair appointment later this morning. I was planning to make a trip to the LQS after my appointment ~ just because I haven't been for a while ~ but then I noticed they are having a sale Friday and Saturday with up to 50% off. Sounds dangerous. hehe.
Aaahhhh... vacation. Did I tell you how much I love it? Have a great day!


  1. Your scarf is darling. I had to do a summer of summer school. SUCKED!! SO sorry for your friend, going to check out her blog now.

  2. The scarf is beautiful! And such cute fur babies! Congratulations on your 100th post.

  3. The scarf is the cutest! And sounds like you are enjoying your "free" time.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post! I know I qualify for the giveaway! WOOHOO!

  4. That is so funny, with that one dog....I think he didn't like it....gave me a good smile for my morning.... You and your list.....I wish I was more organized but oh well....

  5. Congratulations on your 100th blog. Pat, our friend Linda and myself did the doggie scarves and will post pictures tonite. It was such fun and for a good cause

  6. Congrats on your 100th post! The scarf/shawl is really cute, love the daisy. I'm sorry about your friend Cheryl, that must be so frustrating and scary not to have a diagnosis. I took a peek at her blog a few days ago but will look again.



  7. Your dogs are too funny! and not very willing models, eh? The scarf is delightful though. Sorry to hear about your friend Cheryl's troubles; frustrating, scary and painful I would think. Summer school? Oh dear, the threat of that made me work harder during the school year; LOL Guess your DD doesn't mind, eh? And finally,congrats on reaching 100 posts!

  8. I decorated my scarf for my dog today.....but yours looks WAY better than mine. I worked with two friends who did scarves for their dogs, too......and theirs look better than mine, also. I wasn't really into "good design" today, I guess. LOL Congrats on the 100th post......and I'll look forward to seeing who wins (and hoping it's me, of course.....)

  9. Your scarf is just too cute. I decorated mine today as well.
    I'll keep your friend Cheryl in my prayers... something similar happened to me years ago.. only I was injured(seriously) at work they let me go after 6 weeks...but I still able to collect workman's comp though...
    Going to check out her blog now.

  10. 100 posts already! are hooked now!

    Derby did not look too pleased...that was the cutest face he had on...

    Isn't it fun to just have time for you!!!! Enjoy!

  11. Happy 100! And I love the scarf...definitely looks Daisy-Cottage-ish!

  12. Congratulations on your 100th post! Derby may chew your favorite shoes in retaliation for dressing him like a girl-dog.

    I'm so sorry about your friend's job. And it's shocking that she still doesn't have a diagnosis. I've bookmarked the link -- best of luck to her!

  13. Congrats on 100 posts! Quite a milestone. I love your scarf (shawl) - girlie ruffles or not, it sure is cute!

  14. Yipee! You're on vacation! Your daisy scarf is adorable. I love my ruffler foot, but I can never figure out exactly how much fabric I need to start with to get the right amount of finished ruffle!

  15. Congrats on completing 100 posts! That is an impressive achievement. And that little puppy's face is priceless :)

  16. OK~ I have been seeing a lot of these scarves and yours is by far the cutest one yet!
    Happy Independence Day & or Canada Day!!

  17. oh my gosh Rachel, thanks for the note. This is your friend Cheryl by the way!!! It is so amazing and great to see people out there actually care. That is uplifting......


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