
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The well is dry.

I just cannot seem to find an ounce of creativity in myself lately. I desperately want to sew, to create, to produce pretty little things. And I even have the time to do it. But I find myself unable to commit to any sewing or quilting project.
I finished yet another essay last night (although it needs some editing) so I thought I would treat myself with a bit of sewing time this morning. I still have the second dress to make from this pattern:

And I have that really cute geometric fabric that I ordered from Fat Quarter Shop a while back. I also have PIF gifts to make, a dress for the OnlyChild (although she has been less-than-nice lately and I'm not feeling so inclined to make her anything), BOM blocks, and countless quilting projects. Not to mention the two scrapbooks I wanted to complete (NYC from last summer and Europe from spring break).

But here's the scene from the spare bedroom, where I cut out patterns:

This is as far as I got - two pattern pieces pinned. And then I just could not bring myself to do any more. I had this overwhelming feeling of ennui.

Ennui: a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom.

I'm not bored. But that feeling of weariness and discontent - bingo!



  1. Your post reminds me of what Julia Cameron writes about in _The Artist's Way_. Did you ever read that? She suggests taking yourself on weekly artist's dates to fill your creative well. A museum, art gallery, craft shop, thrift store ... anything that is interesting and relaxing and gets your creative juices going.

    Anyway, I can relate to the well being dry and find it frustrating when I want to create but just don't have it in me to actually do it.

  2. I think you've got the "where did the summer weather go?" itis. Here in MB we're in the 8th month in a row of below normal temps, sheesh!

    We wait and wait all winter long (lets face it, half a year) for summer and we have such high expectations for a glorious summer and when we don't get it we feel so gyped.

    This too shall pass...

  3. Rachel, I've been thinking about you all day... I read your blog earlier and needed to think about what to say.
    You need to decompress kiddo! You get out of work and jump right into a class! How many papers have you written so far?... Take a day get a pedicure or a facial... Don't do anything. Seems to me you never gave yourself a rest. Take your Only Child with you and make a pact not to push each other's buttons. Or go by yourself!

  4. Hope you get your mojo back soon!

  5. It's hard to get the creative juices flowing when you have had to work so hard on things you are TOLD to do like those papers. There were lots of books that I would have loved reading if some teacher hadn't told me I HAD to read it. I tried to give my students leeway for this reason.

  6. I have had similar times like you are having now....and it's very frustrating. I never knew how to pull myself out of those if you find something that works, let me know!

  7. Sounds like you and I are in the ssame boat, all I can seem to do is read, clean house and do very little I am not help to you today...sorry...hope your sewing mojo comes back.

  8. I always love your I'm hoping you get your creative groove back soon!

  9. Bummer?? Hope your mojo comes home soon!!

  10. hey, lots of great comments here. That should make you feel better, besides, you could be going through withdrawl from meds right now like me. Think about how my life sucks and that should make you feel better.....hahahahaha. That is a cute dress, I might pick up that pattern some time.

  11. don't be too hard on yourself - you've been so busy lately that everything needs to re-generate, including your creativity. Maybe one of those artist's dates would do the trick - go do something completely different for a while. Its amazing what can serve as a source of inspiration. Before you know it the prblem will be trying to figure out what to do first when you're suddenly full of ideas, and enthusiam again!

    I think I'll try that myself - grab my best buddy and go for a wander through the heritage part of town - the houses and gardens are always so beautiful and inspiring. Maybe that will get me off my duff and developing the dress pattern that I'm supposed to be working on...

  12. HEY I'm here to cheer you up and give you your inspiration back!! Are you feeling it yet?? How about now???? Anything??? lolol
    Cant wait to see your newest dress. I love the last one. maybe make it a bit longer for bike riding though. lolol Just sayin.

  13. I hope you start feeling creative soon! I thought I was going to do some sewing today after being gone all week but nope. I walked into the office several times today but just didn't feel like it. I think we all go through it.


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