
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Al Fresco

On a warm (but not hot) summer day, such as today, I like to dine al fresco. My family doesn't understand the fascination I have with this. But since Mr. P was at work and the OnlyChild not yet out of bed, I decided to take my lunch outdoors.

I try to make it a very pleasant experience, even if it is just for me. A placemat is a necessity (I made these little birdhouse mats a few years ago specifically for use outside). A napkin, silverware and a candle. A tall, cool glass of iced green tea. Lovely!

My favourite lunch of the summer has been the 'pizza' pictured above. Made from a whole wheat pita, tomato sauce, vegetables, and a bit of cheese and toasted in the oven, it's filling, delicious and healthy.

Of course, the dogs join me outside. They can't get enough of the back yard and I don't like them to be out there without a human companion. Abby sometimes tries to escape (not as much as she used to, since she's getting older) and Derby barks at anything that moves.

Derby had the sense to stay in the shade, sitting at my feet in hopes of being fed some scraps. (No way - I don't want to encourage begging!)

Abby prefers to sunbathe. She'll sit out there panting away and will neither drink the water I set out nor come and lie in the shade. Maybe she's trying to get a tan... I don't think it's working because she's still as white as can be!
Ahhhh... dining al fresco... one of the simple pleasures in life.
This week I received three cards from my ATC swap partners. Our August theme was 'Bird Nest'. From left to right, these cards are from Stacy, Cory, and Deb. I think they're fabulous!

All of these ladies have blogs that you can visit by clicking on their names above.
I've given up on writing learning materials... not permanently, of course, since the work still has to be done. But I was getting so stressed out about it which, added to the fact that I've been sick for three weeks with first an awful cold and now the residual cough keeping me up at night, I wasn't getting much done anyway. I've decided to take a day or two off and sew the OnlyChild's dress... you know, the one I promised her at the beginning of the summer. Here's hoping the spirit of that unfinished work doesn't haunt me throughout the next couple of days and ruin the fun.


  1. Yum, your al fresco lunch looks delicious. I like the special touch of the place mat and candle. That pizza sounds good.

    Thanks for the pic of my ATC and link :o)

    Hope you enjoy your break from writing learning materials and are able to finally kick that cough.

  2. What a nice treat for yourself; dining outside. It's been too hot over here for that. I'm hiding out in the AC!

  3. sleeping till noon, can she please teach E how to do that. i know, i will come in time

  4. That is such a nice way to treat yourself! And, the babies seem to enjoy being outside too.

  5. Nice lunch and the ATC cards are very nice. I'm not creative enough to do anything like them!

  6. Love the idea that you eat outside al fresco. Why not? The dogs like being outside too no doubt! Take care of yourself so you don't start
    off the new school year sick, okay? Go to the dr if necessary, alright?

  7. Ya know I don't think we have eaten outside once this year.. It's been nasty.. always raining.. I looking forward to fall and mark this summer off.

  8. You're so funny Rachel! I love dining outside too -- one of life's best pleasures imho! And c'mon...can't you give just a few little tidbits to that cute little doggie???


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