
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Send me some magic

I have the worst case of writer's block ever! I am trying to write this final project for my course and... nothing! I have written exactly one paragraph. One. Arrrgggghhhh!

I might have to break out the Nibs again....


  1. Hi Rachel,
    You got me started on Nibs..cherry..I've been craving them..did you find any chocolate Twizzlers when you were here?!
    Thanks for stopping by tonight...don't worry about the writer's block...take a day or two off and have some FUN!!!
    Deb :)

  2. I'll send you some if you send me some. I'm in the same boat. Book presentation on Tuesday trying to write it tonight.. no go I think I'll go to bed.

  3. go wander your garden plot, do a little weeding and take your mind of your course for a little while - might be a little dark out there now, so maybe after a good night's sleep??!! and if that doesn't work go for the NIBS!

  4. I agree with Deb-- step away and do something fun. Maybe if you stop thinking about it, the answers you need will come :-)

  5. *Poof* Magic is sent!! So go write up a paper & eat Nibs & giggle!

  6. Is it ideas that are escaping you? If so, what is the topic? Maybe we can throw out words and sometimes lots of words can help ease a writer's block...kind of like a word "web". I hope it's better for you today.

  7. Walk away and clear your head. The ideas will start flowing again.

  8. take a bath. soak without a book, adn let your mind wander. Pulling weeds always works for me. You can come pull mine! that aught to get the ideas flowing! ;-)

  9. I find chocolate helps just about any problem!

    :) T

  10. Hocus Pocus dominocus! Sorry, that's the best I could do -- I hope it works!


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