
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

You are magical

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the magic you sent my way. Your good wishes helped me to break through my awful writer's block and allowed me to finish my huuuggge project. As of yesterday afternoon I was done with that paper, all sixteen pages of it!
I'm going to let it stew for a day, check it over once more, and then send 'er off into cyberspace. Wish me luck!
And I couldn't have done it without you.


  1. Yipee!!! I'll bet it was that hocus pocus, wasn't it LOL???

  2. I felt so bad for you when I read your post. Glad you got the project done, phew! Hope you get some more peas from your garden soon :^)

  3. Congrats on finishing your paper. That always feels so good.

  4. Way to go! And, that must be such a huge relief!!!

    So whatcha gonna do now????

  5. way to go! and having those wonderful peas to snack on - dare I say it?? better than NIBS!

  6. Sixteen pages, wow!!! Now you can get on to more fun things....your beans looked wonderful (I don't like green beans but they looked good non the less)...

  7. Whew!!!!! I know that finished feeling!

  8. I'm glad it's done. Is that the last of the papers due this summer?

  9. You rock! You did it! Congrats and relax! Cory Dogwood

  10. Whoohoo!! Great job! Hope you can relax now. I handed in my last paper today Yipee! One more class and done ...until August 24th that is. Enjoy your day.

  11. kudos.
    i know how if feels to have the world weighing down and then to have it lifted.
    now relax!

  12. Well done you! Now have a nice cup of tea (or whatever).

  13. YAHOO for you! I know that is some pressure off now for sure.
    Try to have a bit of easy relaxing fun YOU time before time to return to school!!


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