
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The first two days...

I survived the first two days of school. The transition from summer vacation back to work wasn't quite as painful as I'd anticipated. In fact, it's just like I never had a holiday. Wait a second... that's not a good thing.

Anyway, as the saying goes, I'm back in the saddle.

We've had two days of meetings and... church. We all attend an opening mass at the beginning of the school year. I took this photo with my cell phone from the choir loft (I was in the choir). People were just starting to file in around 8:30 this morning.

The mass is held in the professional concert hall downtown. It's a beautiful facility with great acoustics. There were about 25 of us in the choir plus two cantors, an organist, and a 9-piece brass band.

Tomorrow is the first day with students. The grade 10 students come for orientation, then on Thursday grade 11 and 12 students have their first day. It will be busy. Yep, we hit the ground running!

Teaching: Wimps Need Not Apply!


  1. I'm glad you told us church was held in a concert I was just thinking to myself that this was an unusual-looking church! You are right about teaching....NOT for wimps at all!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing you first two days of school. Sounds like all went well including church service with music. Brass players are a funny bunch! My Guy is a professional tuba player. Keeps life interesting. Have a good day at school tomorrow. Will be sending out lots of positive thoughts to you. Dogwood

  3. So you teach at a Catholic school? I think that is awesome...gotta keep religion alive....

  4. The concert hall looks beautiful. Do you like the ritual of the opening mass at the beginning of the school year? It sounds like a good way to transition from summer in to the school year. Best wishes to you with the arrival of the kids tomorrow-- sounds exciting.

  5. Hi Rachel,
    Glad school is going better than you thought it would.
    Kailee starts 1st grade on Tuesday and I'll have her Wed&Thurs after school.
    Just checking in on you.
    Deb :)

  6. You SING too?! You are multi-talented! Good luck during the school year.

  7. Have a wonderful year. I'm in my church choir, too, but I go to a very small Presbyterian Church.

  8. Glad your transition back to school wasn't too bad, although its no fair how quickly one settles back into it, is it? Makes the time away seem so long ago...


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