
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two things I realized today:

  1. I have 127 days left in my 30s. Well... 126 if you consider that today is pretty much over. Ouch.
  2. I am not enjoying the course I am taking. I don't understand it, I'm not interested in it, the textbook is boring, and the people in the class are pretentious.

The first revelation came about during announcements at school today when the 'prayer person' said that there are only 100 days left in 2009. Have you been living your resolutions? How's that 2009 to-do list looking? (Mine is on the right hand side of the page... still many projects unfinished and unstarted.)

The second big awakening occurred about 5 minutes ago when I felt the panic rise inside me again. I'm trying to write my online posts for the course and I have only tonight and maybe Friday night to do 4 of them. I'm reading the chapter in the textbook and I keep having to re-read paragraphs because it simply makes no sense to me. When I read, I take notes so the information sticks in my brain for later use. It's not working! The text is 403 pages long and I'm sure that 400 of those pages are complete bullsh*t.

Boy, I'm just full of insights today...


  1. Totally understand how you feel! 40's aren't so bad...been there for a couple (well, really 3) years now...Hope you have a great rest of the week...even with the boring textbook!

  2. well....they say 40 is the new 30 right?!?!

  3. I know what your problem just need the right kind of snack to kick the brain into gear (dont you wish it was that easy?)

  4. LOL I could not wait to turn 40 it was exciting! It's like you come into you own. I don't know how to explain it well!
    Bummer on the class :( just do your best & you'll get thru it!

  5. You're SO funny! Sorry about all your reading -- life's just to short to have to bear all the bullsh*t! Just say no LOL!

  6. Hummm well I made it through 40...was sad but not as bad as I thought it would be..;-)
    I think when we really do not want to do something or do not like what we are doing we tend to drag our feet on it...would it just be so terrible to I am OVER THIS. Not doing this anymore. That does not make you a failure or a slacker just this one course is not for you.
    Wish you well hope you feel better about things soon. Find some joy...say if you knew it was all going to end Dec 31, 2009 what would you want to do till then??
    Our lives are full of things we have to do that we can't change but we can change things we want to do...;-)

  7. I'm at the point in my life (1.5 years younger than you) where I've decided that I am not going to slog through a book that I don't care for - life is too short. Of course, since you are reading this for a course, you don't have that option - so sorry! I feel your pain.

    Isn't growing older fun! I become more and more confident every year, more willing to take risks (emotional risks - I'm actually less inclined to take physical risks), more excited about all the possibilities in life. I used to think you had to have your life figured out and on track by your mid-twenties, and I am always so excited about people who started and succeeded in new things at much later stages in life. It makes me feel so empowered to determine my own destiny. I hope the approach of the big 40 makes you feel the same.

  8. 40 can't be that bad, can it?! I'm 4 years away from 40... :)

    Good luck with the course. Sounds like a killer just keeping your interest.

  9. I have to agree with some of the other comments-- I like growing old. I like myself more and more, and care less about what people think. And I like how my priorities and values have changed over the years.

    I feel for you having to read a boring book and sit through a class you don't like. I had a lot of trouble in school forcing myself to care about subjects that weren't of interest and weren't taught well.

  10. Only 100 days left this year - who calculated that??? I just know there has to be more days Huh...

    Oh, I am sorry that the class is yucky! Is it like absolutely required??? Thinking of you as you struggle through this class!!!

  11. none of the "big" b'days bothered me but 60 got to me a little bit. a friend always says to me, "The alternative is worse." Sorry about the class...maybe Mr. P is right and you should ditch it? (I can tell you are the type that doesn't like to quit, though.) All I can say is...if 400 pgs. of the text are B.S....then you need to do B.S. posts about it and I'm sure you CAN do it...but it does seem like such a waste of time when these things happen.

  12. I am 30 already and then realized when I was 29 I was worry that I am 30! So Now I enjoy it, not worry!

    Happy B-day in advance!



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