
Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Melting

Well, not really. It is melting outside though. Temperatures went above freezing today so all that dratted snow is slowly sinking into the not-yet-frozen ground. And better news... it's supposed to go up to 16 celsius this weekend (that's about 61 fahrenheit). It will be like Spring here! I think we're doing our seasons in one-week stints this year, so by next week it will be up in the high 20s (80s) and I'll be wearing a bikini.... yeah, right.

Anyway, the wheels keep turning, time keeps slipping away. I'm running as fast as I can but I can't seem to catch up. All that work I did last weekend seems to have been for nothing because I'm behind again.

Deep breath... I'm off to dance class; the rest can wait!


  1. If it makes you feel any better, it's freezing here too. It's cold and raining and in the northern part of Rhode Island it snowed!! A little too early for me. If you keep warm thoughts, it doesn't matter the temps outside.
    Take care,

  2. We had nasty downpours a good part of today and very high winds were predicted. Since we had that tree come down on our house in July during high winds, I am very frightened now when high wind is predicted. So far, the winds haven't been as high as they said...and I hope it stays that way. another week when you are having summer and in your bikini, be sure to take a picture and post it here for us, okay??? hehehe

  3. At least you still are able to go to dance class -- hang in there! Oh, and glad to hear warm weather is on the way -- we're freezing here!

  4. Hope you enjoyed dance class and enjoy the warm(er) weather! We're freezing over here! I need to get over it, I know but I like to hear myself complain. :)

    Have a good weekend!

  5. They had snow south of me - and it missed me...YES! I do love snow - but, I don't really want to see it before Thanksgiving - and I prefer Christmas...

    Oh, I am always behind! It's getting to be a way of life now.

    Hope dance class was fun!!!

  6. We are cold damp and I am ready for it to be Fall again not Winter!
    Enjoy your summer...again...;-)
    I am so far behind on stuff I feel like I am ahead! All I do is begin a new list.. Hahahaha!
    Hope dancing was fun!
    We need to see you in your harem outfit...;-)

  7. It is beautiful here in San Francisco CA. But...rain is coming on Monday.


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