
Monday, October 05, 2009

Reading material

The other day I mentioned that I had recently won a giveaway.

Last week, a beautifully wrapped package arrived in the mail.

With a pretty little notecard.

Of course, it was from Jeanne at A Bushel and a Peck.

I was very excited, because I knew what it was. But it sat in my sewing room, still wrapped until tonight. Tonight, I carefully untied the ribbon and then ripped off the paper. And here it is...

My very own copy of Blogging for Bliss. I can't wait to sit down with a nice, hot cup of tea and pore over the pages. We have a long weekend coming up... maybe then.
Thanks Jeanne! I love it!


  1. Congrats on winning the giveaway! The book looks awesome, let us know how you like it, ok?

  2. Are you feeling better this week? Both my kids are STILL getting over the crud!
    Isn't it nice to have a new book to cuddle up with when it's cool outside and you are recovering. Yes, please let us know how you like it. I may have to look for it too!

  3. I'll be anxious to hear about this book, too! ENJOY!!!

  4. Can't wait to hear more about the book! Congratulations and enjoy!

  5. Boy what beautiful packaging! You'll have to let us know what you think of the book!

  6. That book looks great! I'm interested to hear what you think. Hope you are able to carve out the time to read it with a nice cup of tea.

  7. Great for you! I have bought many things from Jeanne, and she really does have a talent for wrapping them so beautifully!! Hope your week is going good!

    :) T

  8. I hope you love it...It was so fun to go through. I marked so many blogs that I wanted to check out:-)

  9. You are one lucky lady. I am glad you got the book. Looks fabulous. Hope you have some down time soon to spend some time with the book. Maybe one of these cold evenings in you jammies by the fireplace!


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