
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Show Off and Tell

Over the weekend, I had - I mean, made - a bit of time to work on some projects.

Some knitting... using this beautiful bamboo yarn. It's a lovely, soft sage-green colour (which is not showing up well in the photograph). I'm almost finished this project, just a few more rows to go!

And I quilted a quilt top Saturday afternoon. In the evening I started sewing down the binding.

Using the handy caddy that Sharon's hunka made for me (I love it, Sharon!) and the pincushion that Regena sent me for my birthday (it's so beautiful, I can hardly stand to put a needle in it so I still use a box for my pins).

Here's another little peek at the quilt. I can't show it all to you just yet... be patient. I will reveal all soon. (Don't you hate it when people do that?)

Okay... just one more little peek at it:

Some of you wondered how I get so much done. HA! Let's be serious, girls. This quilt top took me over a year to put together. I was yapping about it when I started my blog last January. It's only because I was under a deadline that I finally finished it. And, believe me, other things suffer every time I choose to sit at my sewing machine. For example, the course I'm taking has taken a back seat to just about every thing else in my life.
I devote so little time to sewing and other activities and so much time to my job. It gives me a panicky feeling inside when I think about how much work I have to do and how much sewing and quilting I'd rather be doing! Do any of you feel that way, too?
I have about an hour now to make a headpiece to go with my Halloween costume. More on that later...


  1. Hi Rachel,

    I'm blog hopping and stumbled upon yours. Where did you get those gorgeous stamps you made your Halloween cards with?? I love the spiderweb!

  2. The quilt looks to be coming along nicely and YES...I have often felt the way you are feeling......*sigh*

  3. did get alot your little sewing box.

  4. We all have to juggle things we WANT to do with those things we HAVE to do.
    You are getting a lot done and I am so looking forward to seeing this awesome quilt when you are finished with it!!

  5. Bamboo yarn is so nice to work with - what are you making? so nice and lacy looking. Your quilt, at least what can be seen looks fabulous, and yes, I know all to well that guilty feeling you were referring to. Love your little sewing box caddy - what a great idea!

  6. Glad to see that you are making time to do the things you enjoy. Yes,I have felt like that before.

  7. I know that panicky feeling well. I used to have it more often when I was still teaching, but I still have it.

  8. Hi Rachel! The bamboo yarn looks wonderful in the feather and fan pattern. I have a ball of that yarn in my stash but haven't decided what to use it for. What size needles did you use?

    I'm so glad you made time to work on projects :o)

  9. Oooh, looks like you've been busy! Can't wait to see the quilt. And why is it that everything seems to suffer if we sit down and sew??? I don't get it!

  10. Hey hunka is glad to see you like your caddy. I love mine. He's making a big one now. It's so cool.
    Love that yarn. What are you making?? I wish I could knit.


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