
Thursday, October 01, 2009


It's October. Now I can give myself permission to wear socks again. I've been holding out, you know. I didn't want to give in and admit that summer was over. But Environment Canada is predicting frost for our area tonight and somewhere in the province (I didn't catch where) there was SNOW this morning. (I know, I know - I said that dirty S-word again.)

I won't be wearing the socks pictured above. I don't actually own socks that look like that. I stole the photo from an online catalogue. The OnlyChild wears striped socks, though. Often odd socks. Not me. Mine are quite plain. With the exception of my little booties.

Speaking of booties... my friend Erminia phoned Nona (in Italy) on the weekend. Nona is thrilled that so many of you loved her booties. She's quite tickled to be famous in North America. Unfortunately, like many knitters of her generation, she doesn't actually have a pattern for the booties. She just knows instinctively how to make them and makes them by the dozens. Maybe I can start a bootie import business...

Anyway, it's definitely fall now. Time for socks and booties. Time to drag the boxes out from under the bed and exchange my summer clothes for winter skirts, sweaters and pants. Sigh.

I've been sick all week. I caught the OnlyChild's terrible cold. My head is so fuzzy I feel like I'm on something illegal (but I'm not, I assure you). The work hasn't slowed down - marking upon marking, still trying to write learning guides and tests, still working on that dratted course. I'm so looking forward to the Thanksgiving long weekend (Oct 10-12) so that I'll have an extra day to do my marking. Sigh again.

Back to the grindstone!


  1. I have socks on ! LOL And I am draggin out all the winter clothes from under the bed today. ;o) It's officially cooler weather here too!

  2. Oh, yea...sock time...and it is cold here today...

    And, guess who's sick, too...

  3. its a shame that summer has had to end - I was putting socks on yesterday for the first time this summer that wasn't because I was going for a run! My Nana was like Nona - knit up a storm, but never had a pattern. Everything always fit, too!
    Take care of that cold so that it doesn't linger too long.

  4. I have broke out the socks as well, it frosted here last night. Also, I love them striped socks. haah

  5. I'm back into socks, too. *sigh* (And not happy about it, either.)

  6. You know, I think my dry, calloused feet are looking forward to retaining some moisture in socks this fall and winter. I may need to get some fun ones like your daughter to make them more palatable. Feel better soon!

  7. I was telling someone the other day that Canada's Thanksgiving is in October rather than November, like ours is. He thought that was funny. I don't know why!?
    I wear socks year round, especially to bed, as my feet are always cold!! I got it from my mom.
    I feel for you with all the papers to grade and study units to write, etc....
    I'm so glad I'm retired. I get to sew everyday if I want to. But, I did teach for 33 years before I got to this point in my life.

  8. Oh, I got excited and thought you were going to post Nonna's bootie pattern! Oh well, I have a few in my pattern collection I can try. I hope you are able to get some rest this weekend so you can recover from that cold.

  9. Hi Rachel,
    I love fat and soft socks to wear around the house in the fall and winter. I'm always cold, except when I'm having a hot flash...LOL!!!
    I think the ATC card you sent is lost in the mail :(
    Have a great weekend.
    Deb :)

  10. Ooohhh I wanna wear socks too. Did you say frost?? I'm sure we're getting some soon. It was cold this morning. I loved it.
    I hope your feeling better soon.

  11. Yeah baby - bring on the socks. Hope you're feeling better in time for Thanksgiving. You have Thanksgiving at just the right time -- I'm ready for a fall break. Ours is too late and too close to Christmas -- but I'm not whining LOL!

  12. Oh, how I love those colorful sox. I have this thing about buying sox. The thing is that I have trouble stopping myself from buy all the fun sox that are in the stores these days. It is cold in Grass Valley and my feet are cozy in some of my favorite sox with cats on them. Fun!

    Hope you are feeling better real soon.


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