
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Candle Cosy Tutorial

Do your candles get cold? What kind of ridiculous question is that, you may be wondering. But perhaps your candle needs a cosy, if not to keep it warm then to dress it up.

I got the idea for candle cosies last Christmas. I was shopping one day and saw some of these made out of felt - they were selling for $8.99. Ha! I wasn't paying for one when I knew I could make it myself!

Would you like to learn how to make one of these cosies? It's a quick and easy project - and it is lots of fun. Keep reading.

Jar Candle (I bought mine at Michael's - on sale this week!)
fabric for background - approximately 7" x 14"
fabric for binding - 2 strips of 2" x 14" and 2 strips of 2" x 4"
strip of batting - approximately 3.5" x 14"
scraps for embellishment
thread to match fabric and embellishments
2 small buttons

Step 1:
Measure the circumference of your jar candle - this one was 12.75".

Step 2:
Measure the height of your jar candle - that's 3.5" for this candle.

Step 3:
Cut fabric strips for background. I cut 2 pieces the circumference + 1.5" x the height - 0.25". I figured out this formula through the trial and error method and it seems to work.

Step 4:
Cut your batting the same size.

Step 5:
Now you will decorate one of your fabric strips. I used a Christmas tree design (inspired by Linda Lum DeBono) but you can do whatever suits your fancy.

Step 6:
Before you sew, sandwich the three layers together like a quilt and pin/baste. I just used straight pins since this is a tiny project, but you can use spray baste or safety pins.

Step 7:
Applique and quilt as desired. Here I stitched around the edge of the tree then used free-motion quilting to stitch a design on the tree. I also used a meandering stitch on the white background.

Step 8:
Now for the binding. Fold your 2" strips in half and press. You are going to sew these on just like a quilt binding, using a scant 1/4" seam allowance. Trim off any extra.

Step 9:
Then fold to the back, press, pin, and hand-stitch down.

See, isn't it cute? Just like a mini quilt! I almost want to stop and just hang it on the wall like this. But I won't...

Step 10:
For closures, I made two buttonholes. I had the candle 'try on' its new clothes to see where to place the buttons. Then I sewed the buttons to the other end of the cosy.

And you're done! Have your candle model its new cosy...

Check the back to make sure it fits well.

Here's another idea.

I wish I could remember where I got this idea. I remember that I emailed the person who posted the instructions and showed her what I did with the 'scribble stitch'. I checked through my emails but I can't find it. So... if it's you, please let me know!

And if you're not into applique, you can use a really pretty piece of fabric and fancy thread. I didn't even put binding on this one.

On the right is a patchwork version of the candle cosy made to match a table quilt. I embellished it with a snowman button - another idea!

I hope this all makes sense. If you have questions, let me know and I'll do my best to help.

If you make one of these cosies, I'd love to see it!


  1. Love those candle cosies. You are so clever and creative. Must make some after I have finished all the stuff that is needed for Saturday. They will make lovely Christmas pressies for the ladies around here.

  2. Your candle cosies are so cute, Rachel! I just love them. Your tutorial is great, but of course I don't sew, so I probably won't be trying it. Unless I get brave and attempt to do it by hand. They sure would make great gifts.

  3. Too cute...thanks so much for the is awesome!!

  4. Eeek I don't sew, but these sure are cute Rachel!! Really cute!

    :) T

  5. Love your cosies! Now you should do some in all Moda and submit it to the bake shop...;-)
    I did some a few years back with stitchery and they tied on.
    Will share your TUT it is really a good one!

  6. These are wonderful. Wouldn't they make great gifts!?!

  7. Rachel, you are too clever! What a great teacher gift idea! Okay, thanks for adding ANOTHER thing to my "to do" list! LOL!!

  8. Those are adorable Rachel! They look like fun gifts for friends!

  9. Rachel - those are adorable! I want to make some as Christmas presents! As soon as I get back this week-end from my yoga/knitting retreat - I am going to start working on Christmas...

  10. You are so cleaver!!! Those candles did look cold...:-)

  11. I have wanted to make some of these and you tutorial made it look like a snap! I am inspired. Thanks for sharing

  12. Love those cosies! Thank you so much for the tutorial. Quick easy gifts - yay! I hope your migraine is long gone now, and not coming back, for like, forever.

  13. Cute idea. The bird and the patchwork with the snowman are your favorite. Thanks for sharing the instructions.

  14. oooh thank you for sharing this, i will definitely make some for christmas! <3

  15. I love them and you did a SUPER tutorial!!!! May I make a suggestion? Have a giveaway and let one of these cozies be the prize!!! (And then pick ME as the winner!!! hehehe)

  16. Love them, thank you for the idea and the sharing

  17. How did I miss this wonderful post with your Candle Cosy Tutorial!!!! My stupid computer must have been acting "odd" that day. Anyway, I love them. What a great idea. Thanks. I am glad it was featured on One Pretty Thing!

  18. These are so very cute and I guess I will try one so I must put you in my favorites for sure.
    I have a monthly giveaway on my blog go in and sign up for some fun.

  19. that is a great idea! they are so cute!

  20. How do you think these will look on pilar candles?


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