
Sunday, November 22, 2009

i need to quit my job

I won't, of course. But it's getting in the way of sewing time.

These two BOM blocks need to be finished. They were put together days ago and haven't seen the needle of the sewing machine yet. Look at this one from Bunny Hill, all forlorn with its blue marks for embroidery stitches. The poor little squirrel doesn't even have an eye yet.

And this beautiful leaf and acorn block from A Legacy of Stitches. It deserves to be stitched too.

Then there's the Swanky quilt I'm making for the OnlyChild's best friend. With any luck, she will actually get it for Christmas.

I started this table topper (made with leftover blocks from my Hometown quilt) over a year ago. I was planning to hand-quilt it but soon got tired of that. The other day I put it on the sewing machine to just get it finished, but ran out of time. So there it sits, waiting... waiting...

It snowed Friday night. Yep, it's officially Snowvember here! Mr. P's neck must be getting cold because I still don't have his black-and-orange-minus-the-orange scarf made. I'm workin' on it. This is my "watching television" project. I guess I don't watch enough t.v. or it would be done by now.

If I quit my job (my reasoning goes), I would have the time to complete all these projects and more, decorate the house for Christmas, go shopping for presents, mail out parcels, cook regular meals, clean more than once a week, do everyone's laundry and train the dogs properly.
How do you think Mr. P will respond to those arguments?


  1. Well, I can tell you that in my opinion, retirement is wonderful...but you are too young for that~so just keep plugging along at the job and relish your free time!

    Oh, you are one very talented quilt lady. Love all of your quilts!!! You must have a very fancy sewing machine. I am still using my forty year old Singer machine that does great straight stitching but grumbles at trying anything else! Poor thing only does a few zig-zag stitches.

    Snow...oh you lucky. It is snowing in the Sierras right now!

  2. Funny thing...I am busier since I retired......LOL So...I don't know how much it would help if you weren't working.

  3. You will get to those things in have to do what you have to do....

  4. Busy, busy, busy! I hope OnlyChild is helping with the quilt for her friend. All your projects are looking great. At least you're keeping up with the Bunny Hill BOM. I've given up!

  5. You would have time to complete the projects, but would you have the $$ to fund them? I need to start making some to keep on sewing like I have been. Retirement isn't all great.

  6. Hmmm...I think Mr. P. will say, "Yes dear, you'll have time to do all those things, but you won't have any money for them." Just a guess, but after all, I AM experienced in this department. ;-)

  7. oh I'm going to have to agree with Thimbleanna, as I too, have experince in that department! Plus - I'm home, not working, and while I am getting somethings accomplished, I have once again fallen three blocks behind in my Bunny Hills! I say, you are doing great! That leaf & acorn block is lovely, the Swanky quilt will be finished in time, and your table topper is being quilted - you are way ahead of the game. I used to take knitting to work with me to do on my coffee breaks - is that an option at all? Can't have Mr P's neck getting cold!

  8. I know what you mean about not having enough time for everything. I've been wishing for more "me" time all weekend. Your blocks look adorable, even in their not-finished state. Are you knitting the scarf in a rib? I received your cute ATC in the mail yesterday-- thank you!

  9.'ll find you have PLENTLY of things to do around the home...those you listed and MORE!!
    No snow here...thankfully...not ready for any until Dec 20th LOL!!!
    Have your rec't the ATC? not yet from you. Maybe tomorrow :)
    Your quilting projects are lovely. Looks like a lot of work...happy sewing.
    Deb :)

  10. I hate to tell you that your reasoning won't work, every retired person I know says they're busier now than when they were working!
    But then again, one can dream, right?

  11. Like I've been saying a lot lately I'd love to retire but my wallet says no. Keep plugging and fit in the quilting and other projects when you can. Love your BOMs very cute.

  12. If you clean once a week, you've got me beat. Wanna go halfsies on a lottery ticket so we can retire and follow our true calling - quilting? :)

  13. I think you would find that you just make more projects for yourself!!!! Then you wouldn't have time for those ones! haha. Time for OnlyChild to help with the cleaning part, why should the kids get to have all the fun?


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