
Sunday, November 01, 2009

November already?

So... October is over, done, put away for another year. And I just got around to putting out some Fall-ish decorations... last night. While I was waiting for the trick or treaters to arrive, I realized that my house looked decidedly un-Hallowe'eny so I dug out my cute little pumpkin bowls and placed them on the table in the front hall. I'm going to leave them out until it's time to decorate for Christmas, I think.

And speaking of trick or treaters, we had 24 last night - all very polite and all dressed in costume. I know this, not because I counted them as they arrived at the door, but because we had a box of 24 bag of cheezies which were given out with a handful of other gooey, sugary stuff. When the last two had left, the box was empty, but the huge bowl of chocolate, licorice and candies was still half-full. Waaaay too much candy! It's not staying in my house... oh no! Mr. P. will have to take it to work and put it in his desk!

Well, some of it can go to the recipient of this little purse that the OnlyChild asked me to make as a prize for the school's Hallowe'en festivities. I got the idea from Sharon's tutorial. She made zippered bags out of towels, but I just reduced the size and made a little change purse. I've made a few of these before. Quick and easy!
Now that Hallowe'en is over, I am in the Christmas spirit. Suprised? Me too. I never feel Christmassy this early in the year. Yesterday the OnlyChild volunteered at a fundraiser for the Youth Emergency Shelter. It was held at Salisbury Greenhouse east of the city. She phoned me about an hour before she was finished and said that I just HAD to go with her father when he picked her up because the greenhouse had all its Christmas decorations, ornaments, etc. up already. It was gorgeous! Of course, I didn't have my camera.

Then this afternoon I met my friend Anne for a coffee-and-marking session at a Starbucks on Whyte Avenue. This is a trendy district near the university with lots of neat shops and cafes. After our marking (which was mostly chatting), she went home and I spent half an hour browsing in a couple of stores.

I found this for the OnlyChild:

How cute is that?! She loves it. Yes, I already gave it to her, even though it's a Christmas tree ornament. I couldn't wait. The OnlyChild and I have not been getting along very well lately - what else is new? We've tried to stay out of each other's way. Even when she annoys me supremely, she still needs to know she's loved, and what better way to show love than with a pretty, pink-frosted cupcake, of the non-edible variety?

And... what else have I been up to this weekend? Yesterday was spent cleaning and then sewing. I played some more with the Swanky jelly roll from a couple of weekends ago. I used the Old Red Barn Co. pattern from their summer Quilt-Along, making my blocks 10.5" square. So far, I'm loving this quilt. I have all the blocks sewn together (not in this photo). It will be a lap quilt for the OnlyChild's best friend (for Christmas, of course). She's been hinting madly for me to make her a quilt for a number of years, even suggesting that she pay me. I wouldn't take money for a quilt. I only make things for people I like, and on my terms!

I've been trying hard to set aside a little bit of time each weekend to work on projects and do the things I love. Last night, while waiting for trick or treaters and watching a movie with Mr. P, I finished my little knitting project (with the bamboo yarn) and I'm making progress on this quilt. There are a few other projects I want to do in time for Christmas, and I think if I continue to be efficient with my time and nothing goes awry at work, I'll be able to get things done. That makes me quite happy.
(Can you believe it's November? Yikes! )


  1. I don't want it to be November already....because I am not thinking Christmas yet...and because I hate winter.....and November means winter is nearly here. *sigh*

  2. I know...this year has FLOWN by. I am getting excited for Christmas though. I am making gifts for everyone this year...except my children. Last year I only bought gifts that were handmade but so many people asked why I didn't give my own year I will:-)

  3. I know what you mean about you and the only child. I have 2 daughters and now live with "the only girl" Granchild and she is a handful. She, her Mom and brother live with us and keep us hopping. Yes, 1 Girl GC and 9 boys-- how about those odds?

  4. Can't say that I'm really in the Christmas spirit yet, but I'm working on Christmas clothing for the grands. I'm not sure I'll really get in the spirit this year. none of my kids will be here. We may go to one of them though.

  5. I can't believe it is the 2nd of November...I don't know what happened to the year.

    Love the cupcake! And I know what you mean about getting along with our "children" - been there, done that...and sometimes still doing it - and she's 33!

    Love the quilt! It is a beautiful quilt...I agree - I only make things for those people that I like and on my terms!!! YEP!

  6. I can't believe October has come and gone! I'm not thinking Christmas yet still have to get through Thanksgiving first. Glad to see that your still putting aside some time for fun. I'm trying to do the same. I'm also promising to budget my time at work more wisely this year too. So far I'm sticking to it and staying on top of the dreaded paper work.

  7. Glad to read you are making the time to work on your craft projects and do the things you enjoy. You were so busy for a while there, it sounded exhausting. The OnlyChild is a lucky girl, that cupcake is cute, cute, cute. I'm not quite ready for the holidays, but I am starting to think about gifts for my family.

  8. That cupcake is adorable! I love your advice that even if we aren't getting along with our kids, we still need to let them know how much they're loved -- such wisdom! You're such a great mom -- even making a quilt for the friend!!!

  9. There's no way I'm going to have projects done for Christmas. Yet again. I'm just too easily distracted that very little actually gets completed. Aaarrgghh! However, I am glad to see that others will. That quilt from the Jelly Roll looks delicious!

  10. I love Swanky, that is very similar to the swanky I made awhile back.


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