
Sunday, November 08, 2009

projects on the go

It's November... and I finally got my October block finished for Bunny Hill's A Tisket A Tasket BOM. I have been working on November's block, too. It's all put together and ready to be stitched so (hopefully) I should be able to show it to you later this week.

I got a little behind with Sandi's Seasons of the Heart BOM blocks. Here's September's:

And October's: (I need to get rid of the quilting marker lines on this one... oops)

I started a new knitting project, with a pattern from this post. It's knit on circular needles, which is a brand new technique for me. I've already got it all twisted, but since it's a scarf and not a sweater or a hat, I think it will be okay. It's just for me, anyway - not a Christmas gift. When I get a bit more progress made on it, I'll show you how it's going.
And finally... A giveaway! Barbara of Pinelands Patches and Beadscapes is celebrating her one-year blogiversary with a wonderful giveaway.

I just love those beaded snowflakes!
The weekend is drawing to a close. As usual, I didn't get half of what I'd planned finished. I did some (lots of) marking yesterday and some knitting last night. I went to the gym this morning, then to the fabric store (which was unbelievably busy because there was a members' only sale going on). This afternoon, I cleaned a bit, changed the bedsheets, and put together the BOMs. Now it's supper time. I still have marking and planning to do for tomorrow, so I'll be busy this evening.
Sunday night is my least-favourite time of the week. I'm most definitely a Friday afternoon girl!


  1. You and me both Rachel! Give me Friday afternoon anytime! My weekend was a bust -- leaves, leaves and more leaves. The only needles in sight were pine needles! Your blocks all look great!

  2. Love your block of the month!!

  3. Your blocks look TERRIFIC.....someday I am going to get to mine. *sigh*

  4. Rachel, your applique stitches on the blocks are so fine. I had to look really hard to find the quilting marker lines! Thanks for posting about my giveaway...good luck!

  5. You got lots done! I didn't get as much done as I would have liked but I did get 2 tote bags cut - my least favorite step - now I can start sewing! And I attended a stablizer class for machine embroidery...

    Your blocks are great!

  6. Your blocks are very cute. I like the one for October in particular. I clicked the link to check out the scarf you are knitting and wow, it's gorgeous! I love seed stitch. Hope you have a great week.


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