
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Christmas Tree

Mr. P and the OnlyChild bought us a Christmas tree last night... finally!

They set it up and put the strings of lights on it. Then, while we were at work/school today...

I wish...

As much as I was hoping to farm out... I mean, share... the decorating task this year, I ended up doing it tonight, with a little help (ahem) from Mr. P.

There's still a box of ornaments for the OnlyChild to put on the tree. I've made her one every year since she was born. They're all cross-stitched, except for two: one year we made salt-dough ornaments and painted them and the year I got Bernice I made her a mini log-cabin quilt ornament.

Pictures soon. I must vacuum first and learn how to use the OnlyChild's very nice camera. Mine takes lousy pictures in dark-ish rooms... and everything's dark-ish lately.

Christmas is coming together at our house. And only 8 more school days until VACATION!


  1. Sounds like your vacation starts when ours does...hope the 8 days goes fast! I'd love to see a picture of the mini log cabin ornament...I'm always trying to think of ornament ideas that I can make!

  2. It is hard to believe that vacation time is coming, soon you will be telling me it is summer vacation...where is the time going?What are you plans for your vacation?

  3. I had once made cross stitch ornaments for the kids...but never made any for MY tree. I am assuming the little help you got from Mr. P had an accent on the word LITTLE. hehehe

  4. woohoo, Christmas vacation is soon!

  5. Showed this to DH last night...cute.
    Oh my so now the tree is almost done!!
    So does it feel more like Christmas now at your home??
    Oh my 2 weeks off.. yes DH has the same time off. What will we do I wonder....;-)

  6. Yay! Your tree's up! That video is awesome -- thanks for linking!

  7. I wish those dogs would come to my house! Mine has no interest in Christmas - in fact all the bustle and moving of furniture to fit the tree in makes him anxious! Enjoy your vacation!

  8. love that video! ROTFLOL
    7 more work days til vacation...

  9. Fun, fun and more fun. This is such an exciting time of year. I love thinking about Holiday memories from my childhood. And, of course, one of them is decorating the tree. Getting the strings of lights untangled was some times a little stressful. But, the cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane was the best.

    Hapiness to you.


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