
Monday, December 14, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Sara is going to think I am copying her because every time I see a Simple Woman's Daybook post by her, I do one too. Well, actually I am copying Sara. Her posts inspire me.
For today - Monday, December 14, 2009
Outside my window - the sun is shining but I can't really see it because I'm in a classroom with the blinds closed. It's another very cold day in Alberta!
I am thinking - I should be doing some marking while the kids are working quietly, but I marked for an hour and a half already today and I need a little break. I am also thinking about how Edmonton was the coldest city in North America and the second coldest place in the world on Saturday (beat out by a town in Siberia).
I am thankful for - Christmas vacation, which will start in 4 1/2 days.
From the learning rooms - my knitting skills are improving. I'm really enjoying this "new" hobby, but my sewing is suffering because I haven't spent anytime with Bernice lately.
From the kitchen - the OnlyChild has been baking lately ~ cookies, butter tarts ~ I'm having a hard time resisting temptation. But she's not baking for me... she has a little crush.
I am wearing - a black skirt, a rust-coloured blouse, a black sweater, pantyhose (yes, really) and black heels.
I am creating - still working on the Swanky quilt for the OnlyChild's best friend. I was trying to do some quilting on the weekend but I kept making mistakes (I think my needle was dull) so I put it away and finished my second Seed Scarf.
I am going - to Costco after work today with Mr. P. Why am I looking forward to this?
I am reading - The Creativity Book by Eric Maisel.
I am hoping - to get most of my marking done before the Christmas break starts so I will only have essays to correct over the holiday.
I am hearing - very little. My grade 12 class is working industriously, which is more than I can say for myself.
Around the house - Christmas decorations are up but shopping still needs to be finished. I was hoping to make more gifts this year but ran out of time. I won't beat myself up about this; I have been extremely busy.
One of my favourite things - is the vacation time I get as a teacher. We work hard for it, though.
A few plans for the rest of the week - marking, marking, marking. And I'm hoping to do a bit more quilting on Swanky. I would also like to make a seed scarf for my neighbour because she admired mine yesterday. She likely won't get it for Christmas though.
A picture thought I am sharing -

My sweet puppies. I wish I could be home with them, snuggled on the couch under a quilt!


Have a wonderful Monday. Stay warm wherever you are.


  1. Ah...yes.....I do recall from my teaching days that we worked VERY hard to get our liberal vacation time!!! Your pups look cute, but it also looks like they were a bit annoyed by you disturbing them to take a photo!

  2. You do work hard. I also used to be a teacher and whoowee how I loved my time off.

    I am glad you are a copy cat and do "The Simple Woman's Daybook" because I love reading what you have to say.

    Sweetness to you...

  3. Soon, very soon, you'll be snuggling with those puppies. And awwww, TheOnlyChild has a little crush -- yipee!! ?? !! Loved your post today!

  4. Lovely post. I think you should throw all the marking into the fire and give everybody an A! Will save you lots of time... ;)


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