
Friday, December 18, 2009

White Christmas

It's officially Christmas Vacation here! Woohoo.


When I say that I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, I mean white, as in paper. Here is my stack of marking, all of which must be done by the time school starts again on January 4.

The bottom pile in the file folder is essays (I estimate about 140 of them), the middle set is assignments for one class, and the top consists of assignments for my grade 12 social studies class. I left another entire class of tests and assignments sitting on my desk at school. They can wait.

I thought it would be fun to measure it. Seven-and-a-quarter inches of marking. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. It looks like so much more than 7 1/4".

I would have exaggerated and said at least a foot of marking. (Never mind the Canadian metric system - I still work in feet and inches, and pounds and ounces. I just can't do temperature in imperial measurement.)

So, I will update my progress in terms of inches of marking completed. Unless, of course, you've heard enough about my stupid marking trials and tribulations and just want to enjoy your Christmas...?


  1. Try to enjoy your Holiday.Fit in some "Me" time and some "Family" time in.

  2. I agree with Patty ... try to carve out some "me" time and enjoy. You've been so busy, it seems like you need a break from marking and work in general.

  3. Wow, yuck marking papers!! LOL
    Just pace yourself & you will get it done!

  4. wow! I've been considering getting a masters so I can be a teacher but that SCARES me!!!! What grade do you teach? Hope you have a good Christmas even w/ the work!!


  5. not the white Christmas one dreams of, huh?

  6. Oh my goodness......hope you can find some time for fun...

  7. WOW that is some white!!! Ok I'm glad I teach 4 year olds. No marking involved. Just a lot of patience. lol
    Merry Christmas!!

  8. Ahh..brings back some not-so-pleasant memories. Of course, you know the old teacher's joke....stand at the top of the steps.....mark each of the steps with a different grade....throw the papers down the steps and if a paper lands on step A, it gets an A...if it lands on step B, give it a B......LOL (Too bad it's not possible to do that, huh?)

  9. Welcome to your vacation! its a big stack of paper, and it must be done, but it is V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N.! so how does this sound? updates on marking have to be offset by updates on fun things - family, dogs, sewing etc!

  10. I would've guessed that the pile of marking was taller than 7.25 inches!
    Enjoy your holiday and get into that sewing room of yours :^)

  11. Forget the papers and enjoy the fun holidays!


  12. Yuck, no fun to work over the holidays! I'll second Dogwood -- chuck the papers. At least until after Christmas!

  13. that's alot of papers! kids here in upstate NY still have 3 days this week (but they also had Thanksgiving vacay, a wk in Feb and Apr)

  14. That's why I'm retired. Bless you!!! I used to say that it was my own fault for assigning things for my students to do, but I guess that's part of the job!

  15. Oh dear, yuck. I feel for you.


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