
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In England... is already after 2:00 in the morning on January 28.

I just did the math.

I was born at 1:30 am on January 28 in Portsmouth, England.

What does that mean?

It means I am, technically, already 40.


I'm having a bit of trouble with this. Ever since I turned 39 a year ago, I haven't been able to stop thinking about turning 40. I thought I had made my peace with it in the past couple of months, but apparently not. I feel like I am at the top of a giant water slide and someone is about to push me from behind.

How's the ride?


  1. The ride is awesome!!! but there is only two ways to look at this, one, you are alive, two , you could be six feet under...glad you are alive and ready for the ride!!

  2. You are a very talented and beautiful 40 year old lady. Have a great celebration!

  3. I've been 40 for 3 years now...still enjoying the ride! Happy Birthday!

  4. Oh, I'm about 18 months behind you, and while I am not wanting to rush 40, I'm kind of excited about it. I mean, when I was younger, 40 was OLD, but now that I am up close and personal with it, I realize that my younger self was ignorant and misinformed and 40 is fabulous! You are so much smarter and savvier (sp?) and let's face it, more beautiful as you age. Embrace it! I think you are a really neat woman, whatever your age. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Rachel, it is just a number. Forget about it! Look around and see what your 'years' have given you, and what you are NOT afraid of any more.

    Life is Good!

    :-} pokey

  6. Funny thing...but none of my "big" birthdays have ever bothered me and I have already passed the 60 mark. Barb is right....the alternative is a lot less pleasant, so be glad you are still alive and on the ride.

  7. I had a problem with 30 and 31 and so. I just don't feel as old as I am (34). But, like they say, it's just a #.

  8. If you're still awake, check out my blog. There's a little birthday gift for you :o)

  9. Celebrate you 40's they're great.

  10. Have a happy birthday! Forty is nothing to worry about, you've got a long way to go yet. Sharon

  11. Happy Birthday!!!
    I was the opposite I could not wait to turn 40!! It was like you come into your own. Yup that's it!!
    Hard to explain!!

  12. Happy Birthday! I found you thru my friend goldenbird! Have a blessed day!

  13. I remember the day well. The number means nothing until you reach retirement age. Live for the day and enjoy every moment of it. Happy Birthday. Love you

  14. Goldenbird invited me over to meet you! Happy birthday..glad to meet you on such a beautiful day!
    40 is like a perfect diamond
    catching all the rays of sunlight..dazzzling anyone within reach
    enjoy your brilliance!

  15. Very Happy Birthday Rachel! I'm not that far behind you. You can do it. Enjoy it. You are as young as you feel. Have a great celebration this weekend.

  16. Happy Happy Birthday Rachel!!! I'm glad you've reached 40 before me so you can give me a head's up on all that is good and bad! hehe Have a great day!! Jenn

  17. Happy birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day! I love being in my 40's and getting older in general. Life just keeps on getting better and better.

  18. All very good comments and poetic too. But they are right. Look at how smart you are now compared to the you at twenty. Isn't it great? Plus you do look great too, what a combo! Celebrate in style (cause you know what style is now!!!!!)

  19. I was 17 when you were born!!! I suggest that to keep that "feel young" feeling that you take care of yourself a whole lot better than I have. Life doesn't end at 40 or even 50 adn from what I've seen of my friends who are older than I am, it keeps on going into your 60s, 70s and beyond. I think the key is to really take care of yourself!
    You are a beautiful, talented, smart YOUNG lady now. Embrace it!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! The ride is fabulous -- it's when you make that next turn at the end of the 4's that it gets sticky!

  21. Happy Birthday Rachel. 40 is just the start of a brand new decade to plan for!

  22. Rachael my Dear, enjoy the time, the year is only a number. how you use the year is important. My BD is March 2 and I will be 72! WOW 72 I don't feel 72, most times I don't feel old, I try to make the most of each day. I firmly believe we are all pre-destined and when the Good Lord closes the page, its closed. Till then relax, enjoy and be Happy.

  23. Happy Birthday! 40 is just the middle, not the beginning of the end like some say! Have a wonderful day!

  24. Just found your beautiful blog and signed on as a follow. Looking forward to stopping by often.
    PS Happy Birthday

  25. You are a wonderful, talented and lovely 40 year old friend of mine! Happy birthday!!!

    Hey, I'll be 24 years older than you on Feb could be you!!!

    Have fun, fun, fun!!!


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