
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's about time

I really didn't mean to be such a tease about this giveaway...

But, man, with all the other "stuff" going on, it seemed to take me forever to get it together... you know what I mean?

I think I'm ready now and, in case you've forgotten what all the hoopla was about, in December I reached 200 posts, January 4 was my one-year blogiversary, and I have that wicked birthday coming up on January 28. So let's celebrate!

Ta-Da! I finished my hearts wall hanging, which will soon become someone else's hearts wall hanging (or table runner, whichever you prefer). The pattern came from here and was easy and fun to make, so if you're not the winner, you have plenty of time to make one.

The giveaway package also includes a Moda L'Amour charm pack (picture stolen from The Fat Quarter Shop because the light is absolutely terrible this time of day and my flash kept whiting out the label. sigh.)

And... a $20 Hobby Lobby/Crafts Etc. gift card. Now, this was given to me and I'm "regifting" it (I hope you don't mind) because we don't have Hobby Lobby in Canada and it's a royal pain in the butt to order from Crafts Etc. If you live in Canada, you actually have to phone them to place the order and I don't do phone calls. Anyway, if the winner of this giveaway lives in Canada, I will substitute another item for this so you don't get ripped off (unless you are willing to go through the telephone rigamarole).

Of course, I will add little bits here and there to make the package worth sending.
Here are the terribly complicated rules for this giveaway. Read carefully:
1. Leave a comment on this post. For fun, tell me what you listen to while you're sewing, quilting, knitting, crafting. I like classical music because it doesn't have words to distract me. But lately I've been enjoying Jeanne's playlist from her blog.
2. There is no #2.
You don't have to follow my blog (although that would be nice). You don't have to blog about my giveaway - two of the the other giveaways I had were won by people who weren't regular visitors and, to my knowledge never came back after winning so it would be nice if this was won by a "friend" rather than a stranger. You don't have to turn around three times and touch your toes.
Nope, just leave a comment.
How about we close this little giveaway on Sunday, January 24? I'll draw and announce the winner on Monday.
Good luck!

Giveaway is now closed. Thanks for entering.


  1. Me first! Me first! But as I hear, being first isn't always a good thing with giveaways. Okay, what do I listen to when I sew... ? Ready?

    MAAAAMAMMMMAAAAAA! Can I SEW too??? MMAAAAAMMMMMAMMAAAAAA! I want a snack please! MAAAMMMMAAAAMMAAAAAAA.... you get the idea. ;)

    Or the TV. Whichever.

    LOVE the Valentine table topper/wall hanging. I hope I'm the lucky one. :)

  2. Yay for you Rachel! The tabletopper/wall hanging turned out very nicely, and I can think of the perfect spot for it! I'm laughed when I read PunkiePie's reply! no kids around here wanting to assist though, so I have the TV or the radio on in the background - doesn't matter what's on, just noise!

  3. I listen to the tv or a country music station although I like most types of music. Happy Happy blog,post number and Birthday all added together!

    I too got a laugh at punkie pie's answer!

  4. Hi Rachel,
    I was thinking about the music and I don't listen to any while I craft..sometimes the TV is on for background noise...
    IF I WIN...there isn't a Hobby Lobby where I live you could give that to someone else...
    I'm LOVING the HEART runner as I call it!!!
    Thanks for having a giveaway!!!
    Deb :)

    P.S. sewing is easy for YOU...Not so much for ME!! LOL!!!

  5. Hi Rachel nice wall hanging... for some who says they don't have enough time, you do manage to get things done...(wink)
    Reflecting how I live my life I'm all over the place. I listen to books, country (Amy Lou Harris), Rock,(Bonjovi), Reggae(Marley), Irish Music, Blues, Folk.... get the picture? One day I was listening to Marley and Me bawling my eyes out and MR.Chab walked in, shook his head and walked out...

  6. I love the table topper/wall hanging. When I sew I don't usually have anything on but when I knit I like to listen to audiobooks.

  7. This is a good question.
    I listen the X-Files and least that's what I'm listen to now when I'm done with these DVD I'm going to start Pretender.

  8. I listen to the TV while sewing, or E if he's louder than the TV. Love that runner and the fabric.

  9. NICE heart quilt....I love it and would be happy to give it a good home! Well.....truthfully, I don't listen to anything when machine sewing UNLESS it's a time of year when I can listen to Christmas music. I tried once to listen to books on tape, but found it too now I just sew in silence. BUT...if I do hand-sewing, I do it while watching TV and that doesn't distract me. Weird, huh? (Don't answer that!!!) I hear ya about the way you are doing your giveaway. You know I feel the same way you do about this stuff and I was burned, too, by winners who only came because they heard of the giveaway and then never came back...NO MORE...I learned my lesson really quick!!!

  10. While sewing, I listen to a variety of music since my sweet hubby got me an iPod dock for Christmas.

    My birthday is also January 28th and I have the feeling that it is a few years more wicked than yours. :) Happy almost birthday!

    I have nothing to use for Valentines Day decor, so I would love that adorable table topper.

  11. Oooh I love fun giveaways :)

    and lately I've been listening to my 4 month old niece babble <3!

  12. Hi, Rachel! You have a few 'mileposts going on here. Congrats on all of them! I've marked the heart freebie on Freda's blog, thank you for sharing the link. I have a heart collection, mostly gifts from students over the years.
    At my house, the t.v. is on for noise as much as anything, otherwise, I listen to piano instrumentals, especially old hymn music. It's inspiring to me.

  13. Oh, fun! All this celebrating going on!

    The tabletopper is adorable...very cute...

    What do I listen to when I'm quilting - depends on my mood - classical a lot of the time; oldies that I know all the words too; or the FoodTV in the background.

  14. What a wonderful, generous giveaway Rachel! You have to count me out 'cause I'm on a winnings diet -- it's only fair to the others LOL.

    As for what I listen to...I prefer silence when I'm sewing. When I'm knitting, the tv is usually yammering something!

  15. usually I hear the TV as my sewing area is in the family room and my dtr and her 2 children live with us. When she's at work and kids are at school I am loving the peace and quiet, don't even turn on the radio. Congratulations on all 3, Birthday, and blog milestones

  16. Congratulations on your anniversaries. I love your blog. What do I listen to when sewing - Queen.. knitting is usually done while watching the box or rather listening to it. Love the wallhanging. Please pick me!
    Hugs :)
    Love you

  17. p.s. I Love Punkie Pies comment, its so true for all young Moms

  18. I would love to win this giveaway!!!!! and I am going to follow your blog because you have caught my attention and I like your blog header.......I listen to the radio when I blog and it is kind of a mix station....a little bit of everything.....

  19. From one Canuck to another, hi. Books on tape is what I listen to when I am sewing. That way I get caught up on my reading. Happy blogversary and in reaching 200 posts. Wow, that's a lot.

  20. Wow congratulations on 200 posts & your bloganiversary!!!
    The heart wall hanging is adorable!!
    I don't listen to anything, I love the peace & quiet!
    I don't have a Hobby Lobby here either :(

  21. Love your wall hanging/table topper. I listen to audio books. I have read/listened to a lot of the Phillipa Gregory series. Greg Isles had several on audio. I just recently listened to The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Society and it was great! Made me laugh out loud!! Thanks for you kindness and generosity. Karen

  22. Oh Rachel - that's an awesome little wall hanging! So cute! I would love to own it! What a great giveaway with all the other goodies too! So enter me in your contest please. As I said a couple of posts ago, I'm usually listening/watching Little Women (newer version) while I sew. I can watch that movie over and over again!!! I'm quickly approaching that "BIG" birthday next month (2/22) too. How did the first 40 years go so fast!?!?! Take care! Jenn

  23. What a fabulous give-away!!!!!

    I usually watch television when I knit in the evening. When I am sewing, I like the house quiet.

    Have a "heart" day.

  24. Enjoy your pre-birthday week! I am a big Contemporary Jazz fan. Not a lot of words there either. But I throw some Maroon 5 and Jack Johnson into the mix also:) Please enter my name into your sweet giveaway! It's very cute!!

  25. The wall hanging is so cheery and beautiful! I would LOVE to have that hanging on my wall. Thanks for giving away such a great prize.

    Since I just bought an MP3 player I've been buying and listening to music like crazy. Last night it was Neil Diamond and John Denver (I love 70's music). But the music that's been getting the most play lately is the Glee volume one soundtrack. It's awesome.

  26. What a nice giveaway Rachel.....sorry about your Italian class....but you think you have time for it...oh yes....I have just made my self you time manager and you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy with school and home....I really admire the fact that you are continuing to learn ..... even when you are so busy you can barely breathe.... son downloaded alot of music on my it is 70 and 80's music, Creed....classical...a whole range of music..

  27. i'm from the uk and i always listen to radio 4 when i'm sewing - i'm a big fan of the archers but i guess you won't have a clue what that is!!!!!sorry


  28. I'm a new follower but I'd like to enter if it is Ok..I think it is so pretty :]

    When I am trying to sew or any crafting my kids constantly bug me so I usually end up doing it late at night when they are asleep and either have the tv on or nothing at all. It usually takes me a very long time to make even the simplest thing because sometimes they go to bed so late that I am just too tired ! Plus I am just learning :]

  29. Oh how pretty the hearts so I like to listen to classical or jazz depends on the mood. I am in a sewing mood now.

  30. Hi there Rachel. I came over because Pat (a little of this and a little of Pat) posted a link to your blog for the Tea Wallet tutorial. I know you said we don't have to follow...but I liked what I see here so I am following anyway.

    When I sew, I usually just listen to the sewng machine humming along. But sometimes, I put the iPod on the dock and let it do a random shuffle. (the words don't bother me if I want music, I can sing along and sew too.) Sometimes, I put it on my Irish/Celtic playlist. That one has both soft ethereal music AND raucous Irish drinking songs. LOL. I love them both.

    And a very happy multi-celebration to you!

  31. Hope I made it in time but I hope even more you pick me! I listen to my ipod and a really odd mix of music - Elvis, Willie, Mamma Mia, Rod Stewart, Janice Joplin ... I like to mix it up!

  32. Happy Blogaversary....and Happy Birthday this week...

    I listen to either country music radio or Carole King or James Taylor or sometimes my son will be playing his acoustic guitar and I will have him open his door so I can hear him....

  33. Hi, found you through Pat's blog. What a cute blog you have! When in my sewing room I usually listen to the quilting podcasts on I tunes. What a generous giveaway !

  34. Oh myyyyyyyyy!!!!!, please enter me in your drawing, love the cuties you're giving away, I'm a big fan of hearts, I love yours, the quilted one, that's it, lol!. I'm your follower now, that way I'll keep my eyes peeled on you, lol, when I'm working in my stuff and while I'm at home, I always have a radio station on, who consist 100% in 80's music, geez!, I really love that kind of music, it's my pacifier, LOL!!!!

  35. What do I listen to when I sew? Usually my husband talking during one of his telecommuting meetings. Otherwise, the radio or sometimes I just prefer the quiet!

  36. I listen to my kids play in the background, but if I had a CD player nearby, it would be Kieko Matsui - awesome composer and keyboardist! i think i spelled it right.

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Jackie (at)

  37. Would be wonderful to win! It would be my first Valentine's day decoration...I have a throw I started several years ago and never finished,,,maybe this would spur me on to complete that project. Music...Nat King Cole, or some Christian radio station or CD...many to choose's gotta be easy listening or I get too 'cramped'.

  38. Hi! What a Sweet Giveaway! Your Heart Runner is so neat! I usually listen to Christian music; also like Susan Boyle. Thanks so much for sharing! Love,Linda

  39. I usually listen tv PBS or TVO don't get on my nerves. Love the little heart quilt and your site. Thanks for the giveaway, Sharon.

  40. Well, since you've added CHOCOLATE...

    No really, what an amazing giveaway! So what do I listen to while sewing? If I am in my studio cutting or pressing or on the machine, I either listen to a book on CD (classics, contemporary, I'm easy) or country music (I love a song that tells a story).

    I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win...

  41. awesome giveaway. the teabag wallet is soo cute. you must love getting back to sewing without so much marking on your mind, at least for now!

  42. oh, and I listen to Gone with the Wind movie while I sew or be creative.

  43. YEAHHHH a give away! I love it all.
    While sewing I listen to the XM radio channels. Mostly country music. I hardly ever watch tv. Other than the cooking channel.
    Of course I follow your blog, I follow you everywhere. Even with that wicked marking pen in your hand.
