
Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Good Weekend

No marking. Very little cooking. Even less housework.

Those were the ingredients for my good weekend!

I spent some time knitting while watching movies with Mr. P Friday and Saturday night. I have almost finished a scarf that will be a birthday gift... better get it done because it has to be mailed this week!

Today I did a bit of work on my January ATCs - something else that must be mailed this week so I'd better get going on those, too. The theme this month is "You" and I was having a really hard time with it. Once I decided what I should do, it was easy.

I just remembered that I never did show you last month's ATCs. Our theme was "Peace" which brought to mind images of doves... it looks like I'm not the only one who was thinking that way.

These cards were made by (L to R) Jill, Stacy, Cory, Deb and Cheryl. Works of art.

Of course, I tossed my first idea and strayed away from the expected once again:

I used a sketch by John Lennon, printed it onto fabric and then quilted the little tiny cards. The "tie-dye" is watered-down food colouring daubed on to the fabric.
This is what else I did this weekend.

I'll soon be able to show you the finished product. I have to sew the binding down on the back then I'll have the big reveal and my giveaway. (I know... I'm such a tease.)
So... house is still a bit messy (the OnlyChild vacuumed this afternoon, though not willingly), I left a small stack of marking on my desk (you didn't really think it was all over, did you?), and it's doubtful the family will get another home-cooked meal tonight (leftovers rock!), but I spent the best weekend I've had in a long time and I even went to the gym yesterday!
Tell me... what did you do this weekend?


  1. Your quilting is so pretty. Glad you had a weekend with no marking.
    Which movies did you and Mr. P watch? I really like your Peace card, it's such an original idea, and I'm impressed you daubed food coloring on it to create the tie-dyed look.

    I took it easy this weekend. I had to bring eight inches of knit sock to my class this morning because we were starting on the heel, so I was up till 2am trying to get it done.

  2. Love your runner....and glad you got some down time...housework can wait..

  3. I did a bit of sewing but not enough for it to be pictured. My arm is still bothering me, so mostly, I took it easy and spent a lot of time with the heating pad. Love your Valentine piece!!!

  4. It nice to hear that you took some time with your family and found some time for yourself.
    I sewed Friday night with my sister, watch football, and cooked a roast today all while nursing a cold. Oh yea I started to knit!

  5. We went to our second movie in a week. We never go to movies so this was amazing!! It was also a great escape. My mom has had a rough weekend so spending time with her and when not with her, worrying about her. Also, trying to hook up with our daughter through our webcam. Neither of us got it right, so still going to work on that tomorrow.

  6. So glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. Love the hearts!

  7. Wahoo for you!!
    I made a table runner & cooked a bunch of chicken to eat & freeze.
    Made some lemon bars & blonde brownies! I also crusied around the Internet for inspiration!

  8. ooh i love your quilting - very sweet :)

  9. Yay! Sounds like a great weekend! Your little ATC is adorable!

  10. Hi Rachel,
    LOVE the heart quilt that you it a table runner??!!
    I finished my ATC and will mail them tomorrow. I had a hard time too.
    Have a great day.
    Deb :)

  11. Your "Peace" card was perfect! It was just the right thing! I loved it! Isn't it fun to think a bit outside the box! -

    I just kinda hung out this week-end with a little sock knitting and watching the Golden Globes!

  12. Love the hearts! I am actually just finishing up a quilt top with hearts too, but mine are a smaller version with just 14 squares, yours have a much nicer shape. I'm curious to see the whole thing done.

  13. Love the hearts! Sounds like a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

  14. love the john lennon' is great!


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