
Monday, January 04, 2010

One Word:


This is my one word of inspiration for 2010.
It has become quite apparent to me that I don't always achieve what I want to do because I lack focus. I try to do too many things at once and be too many things to too many people. I am, in fact, a dilettante.
So, for 2010, I will try to focus. Focus on what is really important to me.
More specifically: focus on family and friends, creativity, and dreams.
What's your one word?


  1. Oh, no...I'm not choosing one word. I gave up making New Year's resolutions since I rarely kept them....and I figure it would be the same if I chose one word and tried to let it be my guideline for the year. So...I'll be content to see how the rest of you do with YOUR words!!! :)

  2. My word is awareness and I just wrote about it on my blog. I really like the idea of one word resolutions and have enjoyed reading all of the posts about it throughout bloggyland. Focusing on family, friends, creativity and dreams sounds wonderful.

  3. My word is Faith. I first read about this on Maiden Jan and Faith immediately popped to mind. Not sure how I'll work on that - in theory, should be so simple . . . Good luck on your focus in the new year!

  4. Focus-a good word to choose Rachel!
    I have made goals for the year, not resolutions. I have specific goals for this month for both quilting and exercise, so how's that for focus?

  5. Focus. I like that. Good luck. I hope you don't have to spend all your time "focusing" on marking!

  6. Great one! My one word is PATIENCE. I get frustrated with myself, particularly in my interactions with my children. There's nothing wrong with having high expectations, but sometimes I forget that they are 7 and 4 and expect them to do as I would do. I also am trying to be patient with my progress in quilting and in karate, and recognizing that I will only progress in keeping with the effort I put in. I've been getting up and doing 15 minutes of karate before getting ready for work this week (yeah, it's only Tuesday), and I am hoping that I will stick with it so I can really KICK SOME BUTT in time.

  7. Oh, I don't have a word for this year - other than maybe ENJOY - to enjoy my life to the fullest.

    Like your word!

  8. I guess my one word, if I have to have only one, would be Happiness! I believe that Happiness and Success are synonyms. Of course, if I was more focused I might be happy more often. You seem to be extremely focused to me!!! I am always amazed at all you seem to get done!!! I like goldenbird's word. too. I wish more people in the world were more aware! faith is always a good word! I gave up on Patience years ago! I used to pray for it, but decided it just wasn't in God's plan for me. However, after I gave up I became more patient. Hum......?

  9. That's a great word! I think I want my one word to be chocolate. Or maybe caramel!

  10. If I did have one word it would be complete-- as in Complete project from start to finish

  11. Great word...I'm going to have to think about this one!

  12. That's a really good word choice. And great you've got it where you can see it! I write myself cheerleading type notes in my writing notebooks all the time. I think it works!

  13. Great idea for a one word resolution. Not sure what my word will be yet but soon it will come to me.


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