
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

One year

Can you believe it? I missed my own One Year Blogiversary! I thought it was today. I was sure it was today. Turns out I started this blog on January 4, 2009.

Oh well, happy belated blogiversary to me.

That's the second little milestone - the first was back in late December when I reached 200 posts, the next one will be my birthday at the end of this month.

I'm going to have a giveaway to celebrate. I think I may have mentioned that before. But not right now. I'm just too busy right now. I need a few days to get my... ahem... crap together and then I'll do it. The marking continues to pile up daily, my house is a disaster (and I'm usually a fairly tidy person), the Christmas decorations are still out and covering the dining room table, I am running low on clean undies... need I say more?

It's crazy here.

Since I've got nothing new to show you - I haven't had time to sew, knit, think, sleep - I'll leave you with a photo of a neck pillow I made for the OnlyChild. It was intended to be a Christmas present, but as I was making it Christmas Eve, I ran out of fibrefill and the question arose, "How badly do I want to finish this? Badly enough to go out in freezing cold weather to a crowded mall on the day before Christmas?"
The answer, of course, was, "Nope." The OnlyChild, after all, had enough presents for Christmas. Instead, this (along with some shampoo and a calendar) became her New Year's present. Genius!

I got the pattern at Sew4Home.


  1. Well, nothing like everything happening at once. Happy Blogoversary, Happy 200 Posts, Happy Birthday, Rachel!
    Hope it slows down enough for you to enjoy some of these markers in your life!
    Meanwhile, don't mind me... I'm still catching up on the grading....

  2. Happy Blogoversary!!!! YEheeeee

  3. way to go! Those are several really good milestones, hope you can take some time soon to celebrate them! I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the packing Christmas away day around here.

  4. happy blogaversary! love the neck pillow and we'll wait for your giveaway. *waiting, waiting, waiting*

  5. Happy Blogoversary, Happy 200 Posts, Happy Birthday to yooouuuuuuu!!!

  6. That pillow is CUTE!!! Happy 200 posts (belated) and happy blogiversary, too!!!

  7. I love that pillow!! I need to make my mom a new one.
    Congrats on your blog anniversary. I need to check. mine's coming up soon.

  8. Happy Blogaversary!!
    I do recall when you begin Pat sent me over to check you out..happy she did.
    Nice New Years Gift...humm am I missing out on something we get gifts for NY too???
    Need to send DH a reminder then... ;-)

  9. Happy Everything Rachel. You need to slow down and smell the roses.

  10. Happy Blogiversary! Can't wait for the giveaway. LOVE the neck pillow. I may have to make one.

  11. Happy Blogoversary and here's to many more years!

  12. Happy Blogaversary, 200 posts, birthday and SweetiePie's birthday LOL! Cuuuuutttteeee Pillow!!!!

  13. Happy Blogo200Posts! The OnlyChild is one lucky child, that neck pillow is so sweet.

    My blogoversary is coming next month ... can't believe it's been a year. Last year flew by.

  14. Neat New Year gift for the only child...

    Your house and list of stuff going on sounds like mine - except for the papers to mark...

    And, a Happy, happy blogoversary!!!!

  15. Happy Blog Birthday!!!
    My family room is a MESS...something I will be working on this weekend. Guess I should get going on our ATC cards too!!
    Busy, busy, busy!!!
    Happy weekend!
    Deb :)

  16. What a sweet little neck pillow. I love the colors. Congratulations to you on all those special events. Looking forward to your giveaway.


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