
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little Boxes

I have been watching too many episodes of Weeds online lately while marking and sewing - and the theme song is that old folk favourite, "Little Boxes".

Anyway... something must have stuck in my subconscious because I made my own little boxes. It's a good thing I came up with some idea to use all these:

I'm a little addicted to this cheese.

So, this is what we're going to do with these little boxes:

Step One - Measure the diameter of the box and add 3/8" all around (this will be the diameter plus the side that needs to be covered).

Step Two - Cut two circles from scrapbook or wrapping paper. Luckily for me, my Creative Memories circle cutter set had one the perfect size, so that was easy!

Step Three -  Apply glue (Mod Podge works well) to the bottom of one of the pieces. I used a flat paintbrush to do this.

Step Four - Set the gluey bottom right in the middle of one of the wrong sides of the paper circles. Then use a pair of scissors to cut slits in the paper from the edge to the box about 3/8" apart all the way around. I know this is a terrible picture, but I hope you get the idea.

Step Five - Using that same flat paintbrush and more glue, press down all the little paper tabs, overlapping as you go. Lots of glue will seal them.

Step Six - Brush glue all over the paper and set aside to dry. Repeat with the other side of the box.

When you're done, you should have a cute little box that can be used for gift cards, jewelry, or other small gifts.

You can also glue ribbon around the edge if you don't like the white strip showing (just be careful not to glue the two halves of the box together!) like on this one that I made for Kaye when she won my giveaway last month.

If you've got any cheese boxes just lying around, why not give this a try. Let me know how it turns out.


  1. So cute and practical! I'd be tempted to put a pincushion on one!

  2. Very cute. I've got three of those cheese boxes right now in my fridge.

  3. This is very cute!! I love those cheeses also - and every time I toss the empty in the trash, I try to think of what else this could be used for!!!

  4. What a great way to recycle! Practical and pretty. Hugs :)

  5. I love boxes and containers of all sorts. I have trouble throwing away things like that. This is a great idea!

  6. CUTE idea. Now I'm hungry for laughing cow cheese!!!

  7. when I got it Rachael I didn't realize that you madeit. I have it put away with my Valentines decorations. I still have my quilt hung though, I have gotten so many compliments and its too nice to put away. Many thanks again for your generous giveaway

  8. Le vache qui rit! That brings back great memories of being in France some few decades ago! Survived on wine, bread and cheese, being poor students hitch hiking our way around, we didn't splurge too often on "real" food! Great re-use idea for the boxes.

  9. Thanks for the tutorial, your little boxes are so pretty. I can think of lots of uses for that, plus I just love little containers.

    Hope you have a great week!

  10. Ummm, love this cheese - and you just reminded me I forgot to buy it yesterday. =)

  11. You have gone green!! Love them!

  12. Never heard of "weeds" but that song was too funny!

  13. Cute Cute! Love the cheese too. Very addicting.

  14. I love laughing cow cheese and you have given me the perfect excuse to go buy some! cute boxes.....

  15. Those are SO cute,,,,,,what a great idea!!!! love them!

  16. How ingenious!

    That's a very strange building in your last post. Not sure whether I like it or not...

  17. I might just have to buy me some cheese like that to make a project of my own! great job!


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