
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Num num

Tonight, instead of going to my dance class, I made these...

Valentine's cupcakes for my students.


I didn't want to miss dance class. I really wanted to go; it's the highlight of my week and I rarely miss it. But I have a sore foot. I've self-diagnosed this problem as plantar fasciitis, but I could be wrong. I probably am wrong, because the pain is on the ball of my foot, rather than the heel, and radiates into the toes. It is so tender that I find it hard to walk... so dancing was out for tonight.

This has been kind of a blah week over all. I haven't felt like doing much, except moping around the house. You know... one of those weeks. Ho Hum. There has been no further progress on the Checkerboard quilt. I've only been to the gym once (stupid sore foot). I've been feeling a bit lethargic.

On the upside, this is a long weekend. I know the U.S. has President's Day on Monday. Here in Alberta, we have Family Day. I'm looking forward to the extra time and I plan (fingers crossed) to spend it in my sewing room working on my quilt and making a couple of house blocks for the Basics Home Gather over at Bumble Beans.

For now, though, I am hoping for an early bedtime. Night night.


  1. Delicious!!! Hope your foot gets better Doctor....

  2. mmmmmmm! I want one!

    Feel better and don't let the pain linger. Get to the doctor and let them check it out!

  3. Nomm I want one too!!
    Hope your foot feels better soon!

  4. Those look so yummy! Hope your foot gets better...that's not fun.

  5. I am dealing with plantar fasciitis and if you do to I found a very informative website in:
    Take care & Good luck

  6. No gym and then you make those???:-) I don't bake because I would eat all of those!!!

  7. Yum, those look delicious. Lucky students. Hope your foot feels better soon so you can get back to dancing.

    I'm SO happy it's a three day weekend. No big plans, but grateful for an extra day off.

  8. Take care of that foot - I think we take them for granted until something happens to them.


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