
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Still waiting...

I'm pretty sure it will be a while before I can convince the OnlyChild that I really do need those party pictures. She certainly has other priorities right now. You know, sleeping, facebooking, protesting the choice of theme song for grad, dumping all her dirty clothes on the floor of the laundry room. Teenager stuff.

Life may be getting back to normal after all the craziness of the past week or so. I even made it to the gym this afternoon. I also have been fulfilling some creative obligations... well, not obligations - that's such a negative word. I made my February ATCs last night and some Valentine cards today. I can't show you those because they haven't reached their recipients yet (I just mailed them today), but I can show you the January ATCs because they must have been received by now.

The theme for January was "You". We had to make cards that revealed something about ourselves. Tough decision to pick what I wanted people to know so I decided to not make a decision and went random. You'll see what I mean...

The outside of each card is like a little house, the bricks all made from words cut out of the newspaper. Each word is something that either describes me or appealed to me in some way.

Then the red door is opened to reveal Me!

They were fun to make - a bit fiddly and messy, but I enjoyed the process and it made me think about how other people would view me. Would their perceptions of me match the words I chose?

Sorry about the fuzzy pictures. My camera does not take good close-ups (but it was no use asking the OnlyChild to take the photos for me; I'd still be waiting for them).

February's theme is "Vintage Valentine" and was fun to make. I went with something a little simpler this time around. I hope my little ATC group likes them!

No progress on the quilt this week. I'm hoping to spend many hours on it this weekend... provided I have no marking to do. Tomorrow is the beginning of the second semester at school. New classes, new students. New marking.

Until next time...


  1. It was so funny ... I fell in love with your ATC before I even realized the red door opened to reveal a picture of you! It was kind of stuck shut, and I figured it must symbolize something personal. Imagine my surprise when it flew open after a couple days! Can't wait to see what you did for the Vintage Valentine theme. I haven't started mine and need to get crackin'.

  2. Love the red door and it so cute with you on the other side!!

  3. Oh how clever and smart you are! Those little cards are just perfect for the theme!

  4. Clever is right! I love those cards. Very cute!!

  5. You are SO creative! (I can't believe the Only Child is approaching graduation......are there any definite or semi-definite plans for her yet for what she will do after graduation?)

  6. Great cards!!! You are very creative. I agree that obligations has negative connotations, but they are a part of our lives. I try to think of them as privileges.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Rachel! That's what happens when I don't read blogs for a few days cos I was busy getting my quilting projects done by the end of January.
    Your little cards are so cute with the red doors revealing you inside!

  8. I loved those ATCs - and the one with the photo of you in Paris is so cool!

    You are very creative...

  9. Cute!! I love the red door. I bet your Valentine's are adorable.

  10. Great job Rachel, the ATCs turn =ed out really well. Very clever indeed.


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