
Monday, February 08, 2010

Toutes les choses françaises

I admit it. I'm a bit obsessed. It might sound like some silly teenage fantasy, but I have always wanted to live in France, to speak French, to be French.

But I come by it honestly. My great-grandmother (my mother's mother's mother) was born in Paris. I never met her but I own several pieces of her jewellery. I feel the connection.

When I was in high school, my mother bought me a Sorbonne sweatshirt, not the genuine article but good enough for me. One year (grade 11, I think) we were planning to spend March break in England and finally - finally - I was assured of a trip across the English Channel into the Promised Land. Unfortunately, there was a death in the family and my mother had to fly to the UK for a funeral before that trip took place. In university I had a poster of the Eiffel Tower in my first apartment and I took French courses. The dream was still alive.

Then what happened?

Long story short: I met a boy.

So, forgive me if I spend the next six months rattling on about tout les choses françaises. I am excited that I will be spending a month in Paris this summer. Indulge me a little, would you?

A trio of Eiffel Towers in miniature lined up on my dresser.

A beautiful necklace from my mother, sent to me for my birthday.

My great-grandmother Marie-Amelia's brooch.

(As usual, excuse the crummy pics. A photographer I certainly am not! And my camera is a bit primitive - excuses, excuses.)

And my latest French "things" are decisions to be made - to choose the apartment in the Latin Quarter or the one near the Louvre? To register in Elementary French or Intermediate French classes?

Ahhh... life is vie est dure.

p.s. I'm still waiting for the OnlyChild to give me photos from the party. She is dragging her feet, making excuses, driving me bonkers. I even offered to upload them myself, but alas! I am not allowed to touch her precious camera. Sigh. She says, "Tomorrow"... or should I say, "Demain".


  1. Gee...if you say enough French words on here, maybe many of us will learn French and go visit you there this summer......LOL

  2. You are duly indulged! I'm so excited for you -- I could only be more excited if I were going to spend a whole month in Scotland. (That'll never happen -- I don't get that much vacation in a year!) Summer will be here before you know it!

  3. I'm happy for you and don't mind a constant stream of Paris posts. Your great-grandmother's brooch is beautiful.

    I received your ATC today. Thank you, the ATC and Valentine's Day care are lovely.

  4. That's Valentine's Day card, not care. Must be time for bed. Or new glasses.

  5. A MONTH in Paris?! WOW! enjoy that! I hope you'll be blogging while there so that we can all feel like we are there with you!

  6. Love your brooch from your great grandmother! I wish you bon chance with your french lessons :^)

  7. I am excited for the pictures...

    Yes, must have pictures!!! She is practicing on her mother skills....

  8. Dites le grand-mère d'OnlyChild a besoin d'images. J'ai oublié la majeure partie de mon français. Aimez-vous Votre mère

  9. keeping the dream alive, that's all you're doing. I really love your great grandmother's brooch, I Heart Art Deco.

  10. You can talk about going to Paris everyday if you want. I totally understand the indulgence!

    Am so happy for you that you are going to spend a month there.


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