
Monday, March 15, 2010


You may have noticed there's been a slight lull in creativity over here at Chez Rachel.

Quilting has stalled. Ennui seemed to have settled in. I thought I was doomed. Then, today, redemption!

I got a hilarious email from my mum that inspired this...

Front row by the OnlyChild; back row by Me.

I think these two have sadly discovered what their future holds.

A tribute to RexCat.

One shocked and angry, one a little frightened. Maybe they got in an argument - that carton is pretty close quarters, even for friends.

The OnlyChild thinks these two look like Mr. P and me.

And as I was putting them all back in the fridge, I noticed that I was being watched.

Two considerations arose from this silliness: First of all, we can't wait for Mr. P's reaction when he sees them. The OnlyChild suggested we ask him to make us omelettes for supper tonight. Second, how will we ever be able to crack these babies now?


  1. I love the little peeking eyes!! you gave me a smile tonight, Rachel. Thank you for sharing your artistic abilities with the world!

  2. That is SO funny!!! The creative juices are alive and well there, it seems. Please do share Mr. P's reaction when he opens the carton, okay?

  3. Hahaha! You're hysterical! Who needs to get lots done when you're having so much fun! LOVE those new little friends -- I hope you don't hurt them too much LOL!

  4. that is tooooo funny, especially the last photo where 'you are being watched!'

    original post!

  5. Tee hee I got that email as well!!
    Too funny!

  6. Love these! Silly fun is good fun! :)

  7. That is so cute! I like the two that look like you and Mr. P., they look like they are in love. I saw the pic on Facebook and wondered what that was about.

  8. Darling. Oh so funny. Those are the cutest little faces.

  9. How FUN may be hard to "crack" them :)
    Glad your creative juices are back.
    Deb :)

  10. Very giggle-y! ; ) In our home we 'decorate' eggs for Easter and then have Egg Fights to crack them. Makes for an interesting week... Thanks for the smiles!

  11. I am chuckling as I think of his reaction when he opens the carton!

  12. LOL Rachel, these are so cute! It's given me an idea. We have a dozen hens that produce three or four eggs a day, that I usually collect when my husband is at work. I leave the eggs for him to find on the weekends, and he hasn't been up there yet, so I'm going to go and draw little faces on any that are in the henhouse now, then ask him to collect the eggs!!
    Sorry to waffle on when I'm a first time visitor to your blog..I found you on Isabelle's blog and came over to say hi! I play with patchwork, so I have enjoyed looking at your work here too.
    Gina in Australia.

  13. Tyler and I loved this post :)


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