
Saturday, March 06, 2010

You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille

Say a little prayer to the computer gods; my laptop, Lucille, is under the weather today. I hope she won't require surgery and/or a lengthy hospital stay.

We've had just over two good years together and I am totally, thoroughly dependent on her. One would think a computer would last more than two years... I haven't even finished paying for her yet. Sigh.

Mr. P and I went to the market this morning. We bought bread and tomatoes and cucumbers and salsa and potatoes and some very good, very greasy Korean food for lunch.

On our way out, there was a lady was selling daffodils.

At two bucks a pop, they were an expensive little symbol of Spring. I could have bought an entire bunch of them at the grocery store for about $4.00. But they brighten up the front hall.

Tonight: dinner and a show. Not much sewing going on today. A bit of marking, a bit of ATC-making, a lot of frustration. Maybe I should pack it in and take a dog for a walk...


  1. I hope your laptop is going to be okay. What kind of laptop is it? We are in the market for one soon and I'd like some opinions on how people like the ones they have.

  2. Praying your baby gets better soon!
    Can you belive they say computers are only to last 2 to 4 years?? Crazy!!

  3. Ick, computer trouble is almost as bad as car trouble. Hope your baby gets well soon.

    Yum, I like Korean food. Don't have it very often.

    Enjoy your touch of spring ...

  4. Love the flowers.....hope your laptop takes a little medicine and gets back with the program.

  5. Praying to the laptop Gods for you. Love the burst of yellow. I may have to invest in some Spring for my table this week.

  6. Yikes! I hope Lucille is feeling better today. Hubby got me a new laptop for Christmas and I HATE it! It has Windows 7 on it and nothing that I like runs on it (firefox, embroidery software, etc.) Plus I hate the new windows interface. AND the stupid thing takes a powder just whenever it wants -- not even the courtesy of the blue screen of death like the really old windows versions had. Electronics -- can't live with 'em and can't live without them -- Grrrrr!

  7. Love the daffodils. They are the most amazing looking flowers and those colors.

    Don't you just hate it when your computer goes on the "blink" and decides not to cooperate.

    I have been out of town and it is so nice to be home and visit my blog friends.

    Hugs, Dogwood


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