
Monday, May 10, 2010

Adventures and Misadventures

Did you miss me this past week and a half? I didn't think so - nobody even wondered where I was. I have been busy. Between some personal stuff (that is not worth mentioning) and grad stuff, I had no time at all for sewing or anything else last week. Then I took off for the mountains for a few days with my friend Sandi to attend a conference on Global Citizenship.

That's where the adventures and misadventures happened.

First the adventures.

Beautiful mountain scenery. We were about 4 hours from home. It was cold and snowy there (but then it's been cold and snowy here at home too).

I had another brush with celebrity.

This is Craig Kielburger, founder of Free the Children and author of a number of books, including Me to We. He was one of the keynote speakers at the conference and he was incredible! Click on the links to find out more about Craig.

We took some time to wander around in the town of Canmore and went to the Sugar Pine Quilt Shop. This is one of the nicest quilt shops I have ever visited, and the staff was so nice. I forgot to take a photo of the outside of the shop (which is unfortunate, because it was so cute), but the lady told me to go ahead and take as many pictures as I wanted inside. So I did.

Needless to say, I put a few items in my basket. I'll show you next time.

And the misadventures? Well, they occurred when we were setting out for home. I started my car and all these crazy lights came on. The manual said, "DON'T DRIVE THE CAR - PHONE YOUR DEALERSHIP!" and, being the ever-obedient girl, I did that. My dealership was useless. The technician who answered the phone didn't have a clue what to tell me and finally directed me to the Roadside Assistance Hotline. They sent out a tow truck which took us to Calgary (the nearest dealership). The service department was closed, but one of the salesmen had an inkling that the dealership here simply hadn't reset the alerts last time they changed the oil. As it turns out, that was all that was wrong. So, a lot of stress and inconvenience for nothing!

Plus, I came down with an awful something. I wasn't feeling well Saturday morning and thought I had just got a cold or maybe hadn't had enough sleep. By the time we got home Saturday night, I was dragged-out tired and sick. I spent the better part of Mother's Day in bed (and we had to cancel our dinner reservations) as well as today. Mr. P had to call in sick for me this morning; I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow. I feel much better now and will, no doubt, go to work tomorrow but I sure could use another day or two to relax and recuperate. There's just too much that needs to be done both at school and at home.

This is the week of Grad for the OnlyChild. My mother arrives tomorrow night, commencement ceremonies are Thursday and the banquet and dance are on Friday night. It's going to be another busy week!


  1. congrats on the graduation of the onlychild... My last one graduates Sunday afternoon...

    Yippee!! I may get to start traveling with the hubby...

  2. Oh, yes...I did miss you, BUT...the last time I missed you and wrote to inquire, you found it amusing that I'd think it odd that you were this time, I didn't email you about it!!! LOL I have heard of the "forgetting to reset" business a LOT with oil changes and have had it happen to my car, too. One would think that people in that business would KNOW to reset all the cars after doing the servicing and oil changes!!! Have a great week and take lots of photos of the Only Child as a grad. LOVE the quilt shop photos, by the way!

  3. Glad the car turn out to be nothing and you're feeling better. Congratulations on the onlychild graduating,mine is on June 6th.

  4. were misssed, the only problem was I was just as busy and only in and out of blogland....

    Sounds like you had fun in the mountains...

  5. Hi Rachel,
    Maybe you need another day home ~
    The adventure looked pretty and I HATE car issues. Glad isn't wasn't anything.
    Hope all goes well with the graduation and all.
    Take care.
    Deb :)

  6. Yes we missed you!!
    Glad the car was minor! Sorry you got sick & hope your feeling better!

  7. I missed you! Idiot lights on cars make me crazy -- I'm glad that's all that was wrong with your car. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the quilt shop. I'm glad you feel better too -- you have a BIG week ahead!

  8. I wondered where you were too! Happy to hear you are feeling better but have lots going on. Not the right time to be feeling ill. Congratulations on OnlyChild's graduation! What a milestone!

  9. Lot of inspiration in that quilt shop! We had that car/reset problem before ... how annoying for you. I can't believe you have a daughter graduating! Wow! Congrats to her.

  10. Great adventures..especially the quilt shop!

    Hope you are feeling better soon...sounds like you've been hit with quite the bug!

  11. That snow is beautiful. Loved the quilt shop photos. That looks like a great place to shop.
    You know that same darn thing has happened twice to my Explorer. We were so mad they charged us a lot to just reset that button. Now it's on again and it's stayin on. I'm not paying to turn it off. I'll just let the car explode. Then I'll get a new one. lolol
    Sorry you were sick, but glad your feeling better.
    Happy belated Mother's Day.


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