
Monday, May 24, 2010

Flowers and Coins

(If you're here to see my Blogger's Quilt Festival contribution, please go to this post. Or you could stay for a while and scroll down when you're ready.)

Ahhhh... Holiday Monday. My American friends have their day off next weekend, which makes more sense because the weather will be nicer. But here in Canada, we celebrate the birthday of a long-deceased British monarch. I'm not complaining: I'm British and I enjoy a long weekend. Bring it on.

After marking essays today (the ones I was supposed to do yesterday before I got distracted), I decided to plant the flowers Mr. P and I picked up yesterday morning. The last couple of days were cold and rainy (with temperatures as low as 3 degrees celsius, which converts to 37.4 degrees fahrenheit. brrrr.) so planting was out of the question. We actually had to store the flowers in the porch overnight.

But today, the sun came out and so did I. Finally, my flower barrels in the front have gone from this (ugh):

To this (don't worry - they'll fill out; they always do).

Mr. P is building me a planter in the back yard. This year, it will just hold flowers as I will be away all summer and can't trust Mr. P and the OnlyChild to take care of vegetables. Surely they can do a bit of weeding and watering...

I also picked some lilac off the tree in the back yard and displayed it in an old teapot on the dining room table. It smells heavenly!

While Mr. P was watching the hockey game tonight (Philadelphia won the series! Hurray!), I started a new project. I know, I know... I said I wouldn't start anything else until I had the Checkerboard Quilt finished. But I have an excuse (or three).

First of all, that quilt needs to be basted and the only place I can do that is at work on the classroom or staffroom floor. Second, I still have no idea how I'm going to quilt it. I just can't decide, despite all the suggestions you've given me. And third, I had this amazing charm pack and some yardage of Authentic just hanging around my sewing room, calling my name. How could I resist? I'm weak.

So, I have started a Chinese Coins quilt. Very simple, very fresh in these fabrics.

Who knows when it will get done.

But who cares? It's all about the process...


  1. I love the spring flowers and I admire your eagerness to quilt . I always admire quilters but I'm lacking in patience.

  2. Oh. Can't wait to see! And 37'F! Dang! That's COLD! We're to hit 93'F today! I'm not ready for this summer weather!

  3. Daughter and her hubby are Flyers' fans.....her hubby got to go to a playoff game and be in a box suite with his dad, brothers, and some buddies. They weren't too excited.....LOL I've never done a coin quilt....will have to try that soon.

  4. Your flowers will be lovely...and I can smell thos lilacs all the way over here....

  5. The sun has come out today here too, so I must get out there and do something.

  6. Those lilacs are so pretty in the teapot. Love that authentic fabric ... it seems like I have seen that somewhere before. Hope you are enjoying your short work week. I need to get moving on my container garden, too.

  7. Hope you enjoyed your time off!
    Pretty flowers! Our veggies are coming along with DH tender care, not mine! ;-)
    Well I just do not have a problem with someone sewing/making whatever they feel like new projects are FINE.. hahaha!!

  8. Your flowers look lovely...

    Oh, I think I like that Coin quilt fabric...Neat...

  9. Yes, it is about the process but I do always get excited to finish and see the final project done.

  10. I love fabric with words on it. I have the Make Life from Sweetwater because of the words and I like this Authentic too!


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