
Friday, May 28, 2010

Rows and strings and a road trip

Friday night at the sewing machine... when I probably should have made a start on marking all those essays.

I played around a little with some red and white strings:

and I did a bit more (but not much) sewing on the Authentic quilt:

How I love this fabric!

I wonder why I didn't open up this charm pack sooner. Oh yeah... I had other stuff to do.

Tomorrow Mr. P and I are going on a road trip to Calgary. We'll stay overnight and leave the OnlyChild all by herself (with the Wild Things). She's almost 18, but we've never gone out of town and left her behind before. I hope she can handle the responsibility. Maybe I'll let the neighbours know we won't be around so they can spy on her...

Happy Weekend!


  1. lovely to meet you - thanks for popping over !

    Hubby & I are going away for two nights on a boat he has restored & leaving the Teens in charge of the animals ( cats dogs & hens ) Last time I got my mum to "look after" the teens - 17 & 14 and afterwards they said they didn't know why as they ended looking after Granny !

  2. Your quilts are pretty!

    Oh hope you have fun!!

  3. Enjoy your trip....I'm sure your daughter will do fine. Of course, you could alert the neighbors to give your cell phone a call if they see any kind of wild party taking place!!! LOL

  4. Enjoy your trip and don't worry too much. I'm sure OnlyChild will be just fine!

  5. Love the red and white strings!

    BTW, yesterday I posted my full size string quilt finished at last!

    We left our three kids for a weekend when they were 18,16 and 10...all went well...we did come home to a living room full of pizza boxes!

  6. The authentic quilt is looking good! Hope you enjoy your road trip with Mr. P.

  7. Those red and white strings are really cool...there are some pretty fabrics in that.

    I too love that fabric of your authentic quilt...

    She'll be fine - although you do sound a bit like me - I always felt like I should alert the neighbors...

  8. Have a good time, try not to worry too much. I sure Only Child will do just fine. Although I'm not sure we have ever left over night and left our Only all by himself...hmm I wonder how that would turn out?

  9. Gosh Rachel -- you've been so busy while I've been gone! Graduation has come and gone -- love that head piece -- looking forward to seeing more. Love the quilts you're working on -- especially the Authentic quilt. Hope you've had a great getaway!

  10. The first time to leave your daughter behind is weird, but you know that she is mature enough to handle it. I think the neighbor spy idea is a good one.
    Love your red and white strips.

  11. Hope you have a great road trip. I need to do one of those too very soon I think!

  12. great red and whites!! happy trip this weekend! good luck on leaving that 18 year old at home! ;-)


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