
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Friday Night (and Sunday Afternoon) Sew-in

Last month I missed the Friday Night Sew-in because I forgot all about it. I'm bound and determined to be at my sewing machine for the entire evening on June 18. By that point I should not have piles of marking to do, and as of right now I'm not aware of any other commitment. It will be nice to get some projects done (or started) before I take off across the pond for the summer.

Are you going to join me? Make sure you visit Bobbi to sign up!
I plowed through my marking Friday night and yesterday so that I had today to do what I wanted... well, after cleaning and laundry anyway. Mr. P has been away for a few days, so I spent a little bit of time at my sewing machine (hello, Bernice!) and put together a bag for my yoga mat:

I used the great fabric that my friend Sandi bought for me when she was in Australia last fall. I had been looking for a project to use it, but I only had a metre which isn't enough for a skirt, and it's a bit heavy for quilting. Perfect for a yoga mat bag. Did I tell you I'm loving my yoga class? I still find it incredibly difficult, but I think I'm getting better. I'm going to sign up for the next session and go twice a week until I leave.

And while I was being industrious, cleaning and sewing, the OnlyChild was doing what people really should be doing on a Sunday afternoon - enjoying it!

Maybe she can teach me how to relax.


  1. I doubt I'll be joining you in the Sew-In on the 18th as that is my birthday, but....then again, one never knows. It depends on what my family might suggest (which they might suggest nothing!!! LOL) LOVE the fabric used on the bag for your yoga mat!

  2. she is enjoying the afternoon....we've been quite lazy around here today

  3. I could use a day like that! Just relaxing and doing nothing. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned yesterday. Got a little sewing in too. I'll be joining you on the 18th. Hopefully....

  4. Your daughter has the right idea....look and learn...relax. Yoga hurts my feet...any suggestions?

  5. I might be joining in on the Friday night sew-in...I think I have some things that need finishing...

    Oh, OnlyChild looks very comfortable on your lovely porch.

  6. That's a great idea for a yoga mat carrier. I will have to borrow this idea. Your daughter could teach us all how to relax. I am in need of some major relaxation!!! Check out my new blog. I have a link to it from my sewing blog.

  7. Your yoga mat looks good! Interesting fabric with the aboriginal design. The OnlyChild really does know how to spend a Sunday afternoon. That's how I spent mine, too.

  8. Did you say YOGA??? I need to be doing some of that myself. I took a class ONCE and let me tell you, it kicked my butt. So I didn't go back. lolol
    Looks like your cute little daughter does know how to spend an afternoon.
    You should listen to her more often.

  9. Love the bag! That is excellent fabric.

    Maybe the onlychild could give us all a workshop on it...relaxing.

    Appreciate your kind message Rachel!!



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