
Thursday, June 17, 2010

A string around my finger

so I don't forget

like I did last month.

I thought tomorrow night might end up being a Friday Night Write-in with me working on that paper for my master's course, but I finished it this morning at work. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. Wonderful!

Tomorrow night I think I will work on some of the blocks for the Green and White no-sew swap I joined in January. Or I could try to get my Checkerboard quilt basted at school tomorrow and do some quilting on that. Ahhh... the possibilities are endless.

Will you be joining us at the Friday Night Sew-in?


  1. But will you remember what that string is for?????????? lolol
    Want me to remind you?

  2. All signed up....
    Angie -

  3. Have fun sewing Rachel -- I hope you remember LOL!

  4. I hope I can get some sewing in! I have lots to do and get done. Have fun sewing!!

  5. Hope you enjoy the sew-in! Hmmm, I wonder if there are any knit-ins? I'm guessing there are :O)

    Have a great weekend, Rachel.

  6. Check my blog. I have given you an Award.


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