
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Aux Champs Elysées

Today we strolled along the Champs Elysées, which apparently is the most expensive strip of real estate in Europe.

We browsed in some shops.

And avoided some others.

Cool window displays, but a little bit out of my league.

We stopped for tea at Ladurée (click to check out their website - go ahead; I'll wait here for you).

Thé Earl Grey de Fleurs for me. Thé Marie-Antoinette for Sandi.

Plus three little pastries. (There were three... I forgot to take the photo before I started eating.)

(I stole these photos from the internet - I was not allowed to take pictures of the pastries.)
I am going back the day before we leave to buy some macarons and tea to take home.

Then we walked to the Arc de Triomphe.

You have to go through an underground tunnel to get there from the Champs Elysées.

That makes sense - would you want to brave the traffic in le Place de l'Etoile? Traffic comes from twelve different directions (the points of the star).

(I stole this photo from the internet, too)

And I climbed up to the top - two-hundred and eighty-four stairs! (Sandi took the elevator.)


What a magnificent view!

Can you see La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre on the hill? We are going there tomorrow.

It seems no matter where we go, we can get a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower.

The Champs Elysées, looking east towards the Louvre (that great big palace at the end).

Always look UP!

I know you're dying to know what kind of crêpe Sandi had tonight, so I won't keep you in suspense any longer.

Honey and Almonds

The rating statistics so far:

#1 Nutella (x2)
#2 Honey and Almonds
#3 Butter, Sugar and Hazelnuts
#4 Butter, Sugar and Cinnamon
#5 Caramel

(For those of you who are keeping track.)

Well, it's late (almost midnight - I might turn into a pumpkin), so I will wish you all a bonne nuit et des beaux rêves... à bientot!


  1. Oh, this is are making places come alive that I have only heard mentioned in books. I really appreciate the time you are taking to post all these photos, Rachel. (And I would have been on the elevator with Sandi....not a doubt in my mind about that!!!) I would have made a comment about you eating 3 pastries, but I guess if you are climbing all those stairs, you need the extra calories!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your Paris posts! Enjoying the sites with you, only wish I could smell and taste the crepes!! Haha! Will you look for fabric shops?
    A new follower - Sherry

  3. Great pictures. Looks like you are having a grand time! Yipee. I am truly happy for you as I know you love to travel. Cute picture of you.

  4. I just love your pictures....totally fun and wonderful to go on this trip with you. You look so happy....and I would have taken the stairs too after that meal.

  5. You just really make me want to go to Paris now. Usually a little trip to Quebec will be ok until I make it to the real thing but now...I just want to climb the eiffel tower and eat macaroons.

  6. I feel like I'm there with you. The architecture is gorgeous!

  7. OMG Rachel. You are KILLING me. J'adore Paris.

    That view to Sacre Couer is dazzling. How wonderful for you.

    Thanks for getting me going....we are there in October!

    Have a tres fantastique visite!

    love, kelee

  8. I have loved reading about your adventure. I just want so much to come join you. Now I must go out and buy those wonderful scissors that are shaped like the eiffel tower. I'm sure you will have them in your sewing basket. PattiO


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